Thursday, March 31, 2011

Google's Today & Robert Bunsen

March 31.2011 is Robert Bunsen 200th birthday n google use it as today's theme. Nice and fun.

Who is Robert Bunsen, and why is he so special

Check his biography below...

Robert Bunsen is best known for his invention of the improved gas flame device which bears his name: the Bunsen burner. However, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen's contributions to science extend far beyond this one invention; he developed a number of other common laboratory instruments, as well as a new device and process for analyzing the elemental constituents of chemicals called spectroscopy. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why ( :-( )

So sad....
Seeing You there
Couldn't believe that they dare
And they forget how You care

Your love is so true
Even for those who dislike You
Over n over they've done cruel deed
Yet, You are so kind indeed...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The sound so clear
That I can hear
o…. Dear
Thank you for being here

Nice being with you
Even in a far way though
It’s a blessing so
That I need to be grateful for

Thursday, March 3, 2011


once or twice
i've appologized
for i've done wrong
to my father that has gone

and i won't forget
now is late