Thursday, December 22, 2011

To my mom (Emak)...

I call you Emak
That’s the best word
For me

Which I call Emak
Thank you for all
Things about me
And all about our family

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Look within...

what are there in your mind
just let go

express yourself
do not keep it up your own
just let go
do not burden your soul

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Word in My Head

There is a word that I need to find out about its meaning. I have been knowing the word but without knowing its meaning. I have never thought about it before. However, lately the word keeps on my mind and seems asking me to try knowing further more.

I usually say this word whenever I call a customer care of banks where I have an account.  since they will always ask question about your mother’s name before she is married. Yes, the word is my mother’s name.