Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Picture taken from Google
It seems that she is in a little stress. There are many things in her mind. Even, so many. Anger, disappointment, fear, worrying, unhappiness, and so on...

She took a long deep breath several times. She realizes those all emotions are in her. Those emotions hang around her several these days. She does not know who to talk to.

“I must blame myself for those emotions,” she said to herself. No one to blame but herself.

“I must deal with those emotions. By myself,” she continues.

Perhaps people around her will think that she is ok, nothing to worry about her. Indeed, she tries not to make her family (especially) worry about her.

She behaves as usual. Just usual as she used to be.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Taken from Google
So many things

Keep quite
Be silent

I could not say
Any single word
I cried

It was a loud one
But again
In my mind

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Taken from Google
I saw a black door
At the front
Why was that?

There was a black cat
When I looked out the window
Why was that?

Black birds were flying
When I looked at the sky
Why was that?

Monday, August 3, 2015

Easy and not

Taken from Google
It’s easy to say that man - human can not die. It is our body, the gross body which die but not our soul. We are immortal. Our soul is eternal. Our body which is formed by five elements; water, fire, earth, air and space that will die and each elements will get decomposed.

It is easy to say it when someone else – someone we do not know - die. But it is hard to understand it when someone we love pass away. We will be very sad to find out that we lose him/her. For certain cases, even losing someone we love so much can make us get depressed .

We can cry for hours or even days.