Tuesday, November 22, 2016

For A Close Friend (So long mba...)

Taken from Google
Cancer took you away mba
I am so sad about it
So sorry cause i could not see you
For the last time when you were there

Cancer took you away mba
Now on
I could not see your face
Talk to you
I could not see your smile either

Cancer took you away mba
I thank you for you’re my close friend
I thank you for the love and energy you gave

Cancer took you away mba
I believe that The One will always be with you
Do not worry mba
Or afraid
The One will be by your side 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Anand Krishna about Meditation

Who is Anand Krishna

Born in Solo, Central Java, on the 1st of September 1956, Anand had his early education in Lucknow, North India, where he met his first spiritual mentor, Sheikh Baba. A simple ice vendor, the saint was not known beyond the area he lived in, but played major role in the “making” of Anand Krishna who was already familiar with Sufi poetry and teachings of Shah Abdul Latief of Sindh, through his father, Tolaram.

After months of suffering, mysterious meeting with a Tibetan Lama in the Himalayas, and miraculous recovery from his illness, Anand decided to devote his life to sharing his joy, peace, love and healing.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Taken from Google
What should i do
To whom do i talk to
Nobody is around

Nobody is here
Noboby cares

So many
Come and go
In my mind

The same question

Black (again)

Taken from Google
The sky is black
Seems gonna rain

That's fine

Hey, that man is wearing

All round me
Seems to be


That child over there
Has black hair

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Welcome August...

Taken from Google
August is in charge now and today is the first day to arrive.

Something to tell but not to crucial i think, but for me it is. So many things in my mind as usual. But thoughts exactly what i mean.

Ya, so many thoughts hang inside my mind, my head.

You know that i do not have many friends, just a few friends. So, i am alone as usual.

It does not really matter, actually. For me it is okay to be alone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Let me

Let me tell you something
It’s a thing that i am hiding
For long time

You know
But you do not know
All i want to do is
Let you know

Let me tell you
The thing
Ya, that thing
I am hiding for long time

Do you mind
Listening to me?

Words come and go
Yet, I could not say

Wow (so sorry....)

It's almost a year that I do not write in this blog of mine.

It's ridiculous. I abandon this blog without even a single article for a year. Wow.... where have you been? Perhaps that the right question for me myself.

And now, knowing that it's been a year made me quite surprised.

So, I must do something for this. I must handle myself to start to write again.

I must motivate myself to write.

Perhaps an article or two each day will  make me better?