Sunday, July 31, 2016

Welcome August...

Taken from Google
August is in charge now and today is the first day to arrive.

Something to tell but not to crucial i think, but for me it is. So many things in my mind as usual. But thoughts exactly what i mean.

Ya, so many thoughts hang inside my mind, my head.

You know that i do not have many friends, just a few friends. So, i am alone as usual.

It does not really matter, actually. For me it is okay to be alone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Let me

Let me tell you something
It’s a thing that i am hiding
For long time

You know
But you do not know
All i want to do is
Let you know

Let me tell you
The thing
Ya, that thing
I am hiding for long time

Do you mind
Listening to me?

Words come and go
Yet, I could not say

Wow (so sorry....)

It's almost a year that I do not write in this blog of mine.

It's ridiculous. I abandon this blog without even a single article for a year. Wow.... where have you been? Perhaps that the right question for me myself.

And now, knowing that it's been a year made me quite surprised.

So, I must do something for this. I must handle myself to start to write again.

I must motivate myself to write.

Perhaps an article or two each day will  make me better?