Monday, December 10, 2018

A little Bit

A little bit complicated.
Thing seems to be alright
But not really

Ya, a bit complicated
Still have to manage
Emotion toward that kind of thing

A bit complicated
Thing must be done 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

8th December 2018

Another friend has gone
Leaving us behind

His smiling face has disappeared
But not in our heart

The way he laugh
Still hang around in our mind

So long mas Tunggul!
Thank you for your presence
in this life time

Friday, November 2, 2018

About Something Outside

A voice in my head: “wake up man, nobody cares what you’ve said. Don’t put forward the same opinion of yours again and again. Your friends are tired of it. “

Me:” yeach, so sorry about that. I am sad though. Why can’t they have the same opinion as i do? “

A voice in my head:”people are different you know.  Perhaps they agree with your opinion and they just keep silent. Do not want to talk about it."

Me:”I am sure some of them agree and they also think that i’ve said the right thing to deliver to the forum.”

A voice in my head:”nobody is wrong you know, in that forum all only deliver about opinion. So, no one is right or wrong. Just share the opinion.”

Me:”Yeach, I try to understand it and i will do my best not to say the same thing again. I know they do not like it although....”

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I Will Miss You Mba

Monday afternoon
Just another mourn
I remember that last meeting
You’re still able to talk

I asked about Kopi Susu
But then you said it’s gone
It’s a surprised to me
Could not believe it’s a sign
There in a bed you laid down
That made my tears rolled down

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Thank You (Happy Birthday)

Words cannot describe
How great You are
How wonderful You are
How awesome You are

Yes, You are

Definitely, You are

For coming to this world
Again and again
Such honor for me
To see You
To know Your teachings


Friday, April 6, 2018

One Day (only me)

Picture from Google Search

So silent
Nothing come around
No sound

Only sheer of wind smile
But then it said bye
Feel like i die

Really need to be real
To feel