Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To My Beloved

Thank YOU
YOU were in my dream
YOU are so kind

Be with me all the time
Lead me and guide me
To The Light we were once in

My Krishna
Keep me in YOUR hand

A short biography about Hans Christian Andersen

A native of Denmark, Hans Christian Andersen is one of the immortals of world literature. The fairy tales he wrote are like no others written before or since. "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Snow Queen" , "The Swineherd" , "The Nightingale"

Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense on April 2, 1805 in a one-room house ( now Hans Christian Andersen Museum) in Hans Jensens Stræde and lived here a short time from 1805 -1807. In 1807 Hans Christian and the family moved to another house, Hans Christian Andersen Childhood Home, in Munkemøllestræde 3-5 in Odense, where he lived from 1807-1819.

When he was 11 years old, his father died (26. april 1816) and he was virtually left alone. He went to school only at intervals and spent most of his time imagining stories rather than reading lessons. He could memorize very easily and learned some of his lessons by listening to a neighbourhood boy who was in the habit of studying aloud. He memorized and recited plays to anyone who would listen and imitated ballet dancers, acrobats or pantomists.

To put an end on this, his mother apprenticed him first to a weaver, then to a tobacconist and finally to a tailor. Hans Christian knew these occupations were not for him. The only things that held his interest were the theater , books and stories. When he was 14, he decided to go to Copenhagen. Few monts after his confirmation on the 4 September 1819 he leaved Odense and seek his fortune in Copenhagen.

There followed three bitter years of poverty. Hans Christian earned a little money singing in a boy's choir until his voice changed. He tried to act and to join the ballet, but his awkwardness made these careers impossible. He attempted to work with his hands but could not do this either. It never occured to him to return home and admit defeat.

At last, when he was 17, Andersen came to the attention of Chancellor Jonas Collin, a director of The Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Collin had read a play by Andersen and saw that the youth had talent. He procured money from the king Frederik 6 for Andersen's education and sent him to a school near Copenhagen. First in Slagelse and later in Elsinore (Helsingør). His teacher, a bitter man, treated him harshly and took delight in taunting him about his ambition to become a writer. Finally Collin took the youth from the school and arranged for him to study under a private tutor in Copenhagen. In 1828, when he was 23, Andersen passed his entrance examinations to the university in Copenhagen.

Andersen's writings began to be published in Danish in 1829. In 1833 the king gave him a grant of money for travel and he spent 16 months wandering through Germany, France, Switzerland and his beloved Italy. His works were poems, plays, novels and impressions of his travels (he always brought a rope, because he was afraid of fire). Andersen was i the periode 1831 -1873 on 30 travels to other countries. Hans Christian Andersen lived nearly 15 years in other countries. " To travel is to live..."

In 1835 Andersen published 'Fairy Tales for Children' - four short stories he wrote for a little girl, Ida Thiele, who was the daughter of the secretary of the Academy of Art. People, who had read the stories - adults as well as children - wanted more. Andersen published 168 fairy tales in all. He wrote the stories just as he would have told them. Although he never married and had no children of his own, he was at his best as an interpreter of the nature of children.
Hans Christian Andersen died on Aug.4, 1875.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body

I take this writing from a book named bookworm mysteries. in my opinion it's a good book. here, i copy it for you

Did you know that it has been found out that socially active married people tend to live longer than less sociable separated, divorced or single people?

A study made showed that happily married women and men had the strongest immune systems and were the most healthy.

Being in constant contact with people and friends contribute to health and longevity as well. Men who participate in social activities as least once a week outlived men who did not. People who reveal and share the traumatic events in their lives were found to be happier and healthier.

Does this mean that by confiding in someone else, we can achieve long term physical and mental health?

It was also found that people who have been pessimistic at the age of 25 suffered more serious illnesses in their lives, and they seem more likely to get colds. Does this mean that an optimistic attitude can help to fight diseases?

Scientists have also suggested that a little love might be a good cure for a cold. They say that patients who were trained to be optimistic developed more active natural killer cells than the other patients.

How can a thought influence whether you get sick or not? There is evidence that the brain and the immune system actually communicate with each other!

So, be hopeful and active. Who knows, you might not need to see a doctor for a very long time and maybe one day in the future, we might be able to cure ourselves of diseases with the right thoughts!

(from Bookworm Mysteries)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I have nothing

I used to attend aa gym lectures, he is one of popular islamic lecturer here in Indonesia. Now that i remember one of his lecture about ownership. He said that we as human has nothing. Things we have such as; house, car, job, children, etc do not belong to us. they are HIS. they are His loan.

although those are not ours but we must take care of them well. take a good care but do not get bound. Aa gym said parking man method. the parking man does not mind if the owner of the car or motorcycle take his vehicle since he is aware that they do not belong to him. they are the owner's.

by relizing that we have nothing, it will give us a feeling of lightness if things are taken from us. Things even myself, my body is not mine.

I have nothing

where have you gone?

Two days ago after having conversation with my beloved friend, i wanted to ask him about my self. About how far i have gone in my spiritual journey then i thought for a second. Have i started to walk on the journey? if not, so i haven't gone anywhere.

that kind of thought made me cancel my question for him. have i started? or i just watch others to walk on the journey? sometimes there are many question in my head about many things. and i know that to find the answer i must be in silence. i am lazy to do it. i have gone nowhere. Bapak Krishna said whether you like it or not you will walk on the journey yourself. that's true. there is no choice.

my beloved friend is a good friend. He often criticize me through his writings, that's his way to motivate me to walk on. even though sometime he wrote quite hard however he has good intention.

thanks my beloved, keep on criticizing me.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Watch your mouth! ( are you God?)

you deserve the hell

Ha ha ha….
You can judge someone else
You can put someone into the hell
As if you have it

who do you claim with those words?
Do you know them?
Have you ever eaten in the same plate with them?
Do you know them well?
Or who are you?

What are you?
Are you God?
Have you thought about yourself?
Did God tell you to speak for HIM?

Islam is rahmatan lil a’lamin
Do you find out about it more?

How come others know it?
For your words and your actions doesn’t match
Did He tell you to speak for HIM?

A Message From Mahamaya

The book is really good eventhough i haven't bought it yet cause some reasons but i trully believe the book is very good and i need it.

Well, Alhamdulillah sometimes my friends on face book write it on their's status, so i am able to know it. This morning mba Maya Muchtar, one of my friends quoted one of the Message.

The message is : Let not the comforts on the way keep you away from your destination. Enjoy them, but keep walking

We must not stop just because the comfortable that we get, sometimes uncounciously we stop because of the comforts. Mahamaya reminds us not to. We must keep going whatever we get.

Thank you mba Maya for quoting that beautiful message.

Who Am I?

i know nothing
i am nothing
these years
my whole life
i still know nothing
not even myself
but true

one question
simple one
great meaning
who am i?

My Second Home

my bestfriend's house
small humble house
nice house

comfort inside
I feel
oh... my bestfriend's house
my second home

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The last 10 day in Ramadhan

Well, it is already the 21st day in Ramadhan it means Iedul fitri will be in 9 days. During the last 10 days there is a night called lailatur qadar (the holy night). It is believed that no body knows when it comes exactly. But Muhammad The Prophet said that we as muslim should prepare ourselves even from the first day of Ramadhan by upgrading our ibadah more over at night. someone who meet that night will be in peace and believed as a very lucky one.

But on these last day, a lot of people (including me) make a crowd in the shopping centre to buy new clothes for the whole family for iedul fitri. Ya, here in Indonesia, Iedul Fitri synonymous with new clothes, food and also greetings.

Hopefully I get better in this Ramadhan and in the future.

Happy iedul fitri everybody
Minal ‘Aidin Wal fa’idzin