Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body

I take this writing from a book named bookworm mysteries. in my opinion it's a good book. here, i copy it for you

Did you know that it has been found out that socially active married people tend to live longer than less sociable separated, divorced or single people?

A study made showed that happily married women and men had the strongest immune systems and were the most healthy.

Being in constant contact with people and friends contribute to health and longevity as well. Men who participate in social activities as least once a week outlived men who did not. People who reveal and share the traumatic events in their lives were found to be happier and healthier.

Does this mean that by confiding in someone else, we can achieve long term physical and mental health?

It was also found that people who have been pessimistic at the age of 25 suffered more serious illnesses in their lives, and they seem more likely to get colds. Does this mean that an optimistic attitude can help to fight diseases?

Scientists have also suggested that a little love might be a good cure for a cold. They say that patients who were trained to be optimistic developed more active natural killer cells than the other patients.

How can a thought influence whether you get sick or not? There is evidence that the brain and the immune system actually communicate with each other!

So, be hopeful and active. Who knows, you might not need to see a doctor for a very long time and maybe one day in the future, we might be able to cure ourselves of diseases with the right thoughts!

(from Bookworm Mysteries)

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