After hundreds of articles and poems he wrote, Su Rahman eventually wrote about tips and tricks in writing that he had been involved with for a long time. perhaps in the late 1990s, some of his writings has been published in some mass media in Jakarta. As I recall the writing was very simple and possibly that's what caused the mass media is willing to publish it. Writing about making money by being as sparring partner for boxers who want to compete in a championship with illustrative images of people in black and blue. It was funny indeed, but yet his writings were published in a media. And several short stories that first time I saw hung on his bedroom wall. But now is not there anymore.
In the first part, he explains that we should be honest and should not think about the language whether it is in accordance with standard language or not, which is important is writing about what is in our minds. Writing for the purpose of sharing. No matter whether it will be appreciated or not. The next thing also mentioned that we can publish our writings easily and free. Now there has been many media that can be a place for the writings of all of us.
For more details about the first part, please click here
As for the second part, he tried to share about finding and exploring ideas for our writing. According to him, in fact the ideas or the idea to write are so many and they are everywhere (just like dust ), for example ranging from daily events or simple things that often go unnoticed. Writing can also based on a report of a specific moment such as flood that struck an area. Nor can the hobby or habit that is difficult once removed. With these ideas, we can begin writing in order to create a writing which again need not worry about people's opinions.
Going directly to the passage? please click here ....
Now, comes the last part of the third part in which he explained that writing is a means to empower ourselves, we really can deliver what is our thinking. Write because it was part of expressing ourselves, writing honestly and from the heart without thinking too much on what other people's opinions. in writing, he was finally able to understand about himself. great, isn't it?
In this final section he also describes that by writing we can also inspire others like he did and through writings someone (the author) will be widely known without limit of time and distance even though the author died.
Click here to read the third part.
Hopefully useful ......
Image from: http://peoplemeetme.com
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