Sunday, December 19, 2010


It was after having lunch. Soon after that perhaps 10 minutes or so, I get sleepy. Well, it could be everyone’s usual problem in our daily life. I am sleepy now.


Let me tell you something about this also.

Last week when I got cough and I must take medicines, this problem also in my eyes. Really in my two eyes. I was sleepy after taking those medicine which was antibiotics and medicine to handle soar throat and allergic. That’s why I am kind of lazy to take any kind of medicine whether it is from a doctor or usual medicine you can find in the drug store around. I cannot stand on the side effect of them. Sleepy.

Although it is good for our body to take a rest for a while but for I am in an office hour, so I could not sleep. I kept my eyes open or I go to the bathroom and put a little water in my two eyes in order to handle that problem. Or you can also rub your eyes with wet towel to fresh them.

Now, that I face the same problem again. I am sleepy. I know what to do then………….

Rempoa – South Jakarta ( December 20, 2010)

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