Sunday, April 3, 2011

A visit of Humanitarian and Interfaith activists for Anand Krishna

Saturday, March 12, 2011 after 4 days undertaking a hunger strike as his protest against the decision of thejudges, Anand Krishna - Indonesian spiritual leader acknowledged that his physical condition began to decline, his body began to feel weak and began to feel dizzy. But he will continue his hunger strike until the judges suspend his detention.

Support from friends of this peace leader who always speaks up about the unity of Indonesia is coming from various parts of the city to keep fighting for pluralismagendas. In addition, humanitarian and Interfaith spiritual activists also began to arrive and gave support to Anand Krishna, they said that the silencing of Anand Krishna is the silencing of the establishment of pluralism in Indonesia.

Oscar Irawan. SH

A Lawyer who is also a humanitarian AKBP activist said that this is a sign that Anand Krishna’s struggle began to make many parties angry, so it must be silenced. He added that Anand Krishna should keep on upholding his mission and vision which is toward Indonesia one with One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind.

One Earth One Sky One Humankind is a vision and mission of Anand Krishna and it must be started by the awakening of Indonesia. A way to awaken Indonesia is by upholding pluralism, and awareness of diversity, it is in line with the philosophy of Indonesian nation, Unity in Diversity ( Bhineka Tunggal Ika).

Nong Darol Mahmada

A Woman activist who co-founded Jaringan Islam Liberal ( Islamic Liberal Network ) said that Anand Krishna’s detention is an effort to stop his struggles in educating society about Indonesia’s diversity.
Nong Darol Mahmada also concerned over the detention of Anand Krishna, because based on what she heard that only 10% of the hearing due to the allegations toward him and the hearing focused on his activities more. She also expected that this case does not shift into a means to stop his struggle and he obtain justice by the court as fairly as possible.

Mohamad Guntur Romli

Muhammad Guntur Romli (Guntur, 33) an Interfaith Activist, stated that Anand Krishna ia a pluralism fighter. He gives alot of learning to the society about pluralism in Indonesia so that Indonesian people can appreciate the differences among them. This is in line with Indonesian philosophy which is unity in diversity.

Guntur also regretted the detention of Anand Krishna which seemed to be forced, looking at several facts that he had been very cooperative during the hearing process. Judges should consider the factor of humanity, which are:
1. His merits to the development of pluralism in Indonesia.
2. Age factor, considering he is no longer young. He is 54 years old now.
3. Health factor, this is the most important consideration for the judges because since his collapse in
2010 after undertaking investigation, he suffers permanent heart damage, and also acute diabetes.Looking at those points above, Guntur deeply regreted Anand Krishna’s detention. He hoped there will be the postponement of Anand Krishna’s detention by consideration of the points above until the hearing process finish.

Stay Doing a hunger strike as a Protest

Anand Krishna himself is determined to continue doing his hunger strike as a protest of the injustice for him, entering the fouth day his condition started to decline, but for the sake of justice then Anand Krishna willing to sacrifice his soul. A hard non-violent struggle of a peace figure in searching forjustice, hopefully we can all learn the lessons so that law in Indonesia can be upheld.


Posted on kompasiana

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