Monday, January 2, 2012

A wonderful new years eve

It was such a wonderful new year’s eve we had. On 31st December 2011 we went to One Earth Retreat Center in Ciawi , West Java. Joining a new year’s eve program there held by Anand Ashram Foundation ( affiliated with UN ) made us so happy.

The program is regularly held each year with various kind of theme, last theme was “Karma Yoga – from disasters to grace”. The program were conducted by Zembry and Iu Haryadi, both showed a so called kaleidoscope of things happened during 2011 due to Anand Ashram activities.

There was also dance and role play which made the program much more fun.

Anand Krishna shared an inspirational speech to us in order to live the year of 2012. We were so thankful about that. He said that we must apply Karma Yoga lesson which means to do anything without self-interest just like a mother who serves her best for her family.

Couple minutes before the clock strike 12 Anand Krishna guided us to meditate and pray in order to welcome the new year.  Such a lovely solitude. Many thanks Bapak Anand Krishna…

Happy new year 2012, may He showers us with prosperous and happiness. Amen…

Thank you for today….

Photo by: Baloma

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