Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A dangerous trip (?)

“it’s a bit crazy you know?” a girl named Shasha heard her mind told her about the trip she wanted to do. Of course she knew it however she already made a promise to her lover, Satria.

“can I manage to go? Can I manage to leave?” her mind kept asking herself.

That day she and her lover intended to attend a lecture, an important one in the evening. They planned to go and already made a promise to one of the persons in charge there that they would come and attend the lectures which was scheduled for 4 meetings.

It was the second meeting and they must go no matter what.

“please, give me a hand. I’ve got a headache now,” she asked her lover which was sitting in front of the computer doing his work as usual.

“not now dear, I am busy. Can you see I am in hurry doing my work now?” Satria answered in a bit loud voice. He is a tempremental boy and Shasha already knew it eventhough actually he is a good one.
Once or twice Shasha felt that something was wrong with her condition.

“I might get a typhoid from my mother,” she said to herself.

“Do not blame to your mother or others about your condition. It’s not fair. It’s because you are not in good condition so that you get sick easily. It’s your fault that you do not take care of your health,” she said to herself even more.

It usually happens with us. We blame others about our conditions, we think that others can make us sick, poorm stupid and other bad things happens to us. Well, if we really think deeply, so we won’t have that opinion. It is easy to blame others and very hard to take it as our own mistake.

Shasha went to have a rest in a little mosque not far from her work. Located in the corner of three storey building where she work, the little mosque is the right place to have a rest for a while. There were some girls already in it doing a an afternoon prayer. Shasha directly sat down and tried to control her breath in order to release her headache.

“Rilex, take a deep long breath…exhale…. Rilex…,” She said to herself for several minutes until she felt better.
“come on, we must leave now unless we’ll be late,” Satria said to Shasha as he found out that his lover were still laying down in the little mosque.

“could you do me a favor?, I need my head to be massaged. I think it will make me better,” Shasha asked while turning her head to look for him.

“come here, just for a few minutes, ok?,” said Satria a bit awkward.

It was just a few minutes that they finnaly went toward the place they want to visit by bus.

It was a long trip for Shasha since she felt that something would go out of her throat. She felt that she would throw up. Her head was sweaty for she tried very hard to conquer it.  Indeed, she already knew that would happen to her because of her condition. She needed to take a rest not to go out.

“you might faint if you could not control your self,” her mind said to her.

“I am so sorry for risking my own body to do this trip, a dangerous trip however I do not have any choice. I believe I will be ok,” she convinced herself.

It was a dangerous trip for her since she was in bad condition. She already threw up twice at her work. In the bus, she must control her self not to throw up again. She made it.

For about two hours and a half, finally they got to their destination.

Shasha was so glad that she managed to go although she was in bad condition. She threw up once before they got to the class having a lecture. She was so gratefull to her Lecturer, that One.

Image: Google Search

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