Thursday, January 28, 2010

My family's cat

My family actually do not like cats very much, but we often have cats or at least a cat. We also have several fishes in an aquarium. The cat usually female cat and it gave birth, so we had several cats.
But lately my family only had a young yellow cat. It did not want to go out, it was a lazy cat – we always said that especially my mom. Even he did not go along with other cats around my neighbourhood. We were sometimes upset about its behavior. He spent most time at home, in our kitchen. He was not so naughty as a cat. Even though we do not love him but we take care of him quite well. But at night we kept him out side of our house.

Soon my little sister found out why he did not want to go out. There is a big yellow cat always chases after him. My cat was afraid of that big cat. Several times I got to know that he was beaten up by that cat. Oh poor you, my cat.
He was so afraid and he did not fight the cat back. Once he was bleeding cause of the cat’s claw.
Three days ago, our bathroom smelt bad. There was a carcass around. We ignored it then the smells become very bad finally we tried to find it.
It was in our bathroom. My brother saw a cat’s leg under the cupboard. There is a cupboard in our bathroom. Perhaps he was chased after his enemy then he run and hid there but he was unlucky. He was strangulated the cupboard. He died.
We buried him in our front yard.
Bye my cat……..
Oh poor you….

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