Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Real Story in Ramadhan (I just do not understand)

It’s couple days before Ramadhan, a month where muslim all over the world undertake fasting for the whole month. Yes, it’s already a tradition (perhaps) and also an obligation for those whose Islam is their religion. During the day we are forbid to eat, drink and have sex, however we have sahur or having meal in the early morning each day.

“mom, perhaps in Ramadhan this year I won’t do fasting,” said a young sister of Shasha while they were in the kitchen preparing lunch on Sunday.

The mother looked a bit surprised to her statement.

“what did you say?” she asked her little daughter for having not sure about her hearing.

“yes, mom… I think I won’t do fasting,”

“why? What are you going to do?,” the mother asked further more.

That little sister of Shasha just smiled to her mother and said “yes, I won’t do fasting just like Shasha, last year she did not fasting and this year she will do the same,”

Now, shasha was surprised for hearing her sister’s reason for not fasting.

Actually she was a bit angry to hear it, yet she tried to calm down and said lovingly to her sister “how do you know I won’t do fasting this Ramadhan?”

“I will undertake fasting this Ramadhan and please do not blame others if you do not wish to do fasting,
Her little sister looked awkward hearing Shasha’s statement.

Well, it was a bit real story for this Ramadhan.

I just do not understand why blaming others for having a reason to avoid doing fasting. Why not having own reason? Is it because do not want to take the responsibility?

I just don’t understand.

I heard Shasha said to herself that she will undertake fasting this Ramadhan in her own way but she did not tell anybody. She kept it for herself.

Hmm….doing fasting is good for our body, our spirit or ourselves. It’s for the sake of our goodness. Nobody can deny it however it takes commitment and effort to realize it.

And then….

It was in the morning after having sahur in Shasha’s family.

Three of them, Shasha, her mother and her little sister were watching tv in the living room. They were enjoying the show on tv. Then in a low voice, her little sister said “yesterday our brother called and asked about you,”

“about me?,” asked Shasha curious.

“yes, he wanted to know whether you do fasting or not,” the little sister said as her eyes kept on watching the show.

Shasha laughed for a second and said ,”oh, he is going to give a present if I undertake fasting, ha ha ha,”
Of course it was a joke she made for having heard her brother question.

Well, what’s wrong with not committing fasting? For fasting is individual thing to fulfill. Nobody knows if someone fasting or not only the person and God. So, what’s the point of knowing someone fasting or not. It is his/her own business.

Yes, it’s a little real story in this Ramadhan.

Thank you for today….

Image: Google Search

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