Sunday, September 13, 2009

where have you gone?

Two days ago after having conversation with my beloved friend, i wanted to ask him about my self. About how far i have gone in my spiritual journey then i thought for a second. Have i started to walk on the journey? if not, so i haven't gone anywhere.

that kind of thought made me cancel my question for him. have i started? or i just watch others to walk on the journey? sometimes there are many question in my head about many things. and i know that to find the answer i must be in silence. i am lazy to do it. i have gone nowhere. Bapak Krishna said whether you like it or not you will walk on the journey yourself. that's true. there is no choice.

my beloved friend is a good friend. He often criticize me through his writings, that's his way to motivate me to walk on. even though sometime he wrote quite hard however he has good intention.

thanks my beloved, keep on criticizing me.

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