Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Web Programmer and Genie

Su Darman is a web programmer who is skillfull enough and creative so he can get money from his skill, but what su Darman enjoys most about it is that he can set his own bedtime. And of course he can take vacation any time he wants. such as that Friday night, he decided to spend his time on the beach and he went to Pelabuhan Ratu in Sukabumi.

When he got there, he wished he could meet Nyi Roro Kidul - ruler of the southern ocean. He wanted to ask her some mantras for his success in making a great program such as FaceBook.While walking and daydreaming, suddenly his feet hit something. He took a closer look at is, it is an ancient lamp, he was in amazed. Then spontaneously he rubbed that ancient lamp…….

"wow…., my heart almost get stop”

In front of him stood a high and large figure in laughing, “I am the oldest genie and have an extraordinary supernatural powers, I will make one request of yours come true”, he said just like an ads on TV.

Su Darman thought, and then came a cross a thought in his mind, then he pulled out a map of the Mediterranean from his bag and said, “I wish there is peace among the people in the Middle East region.”Jin replied, “Well, I do not know. These people are already at war since the beginning of time. I can do everything, but it’s still beyond my ability. “Su Darman said, “Okay if so, I am a web programmer and I would like a web made by me are used by many people. I want everyone happy with my website, so they want to come back to visit”

The genie frowned and then said, ‘Well, could you allow me to see the map again? “

As told by Su Darman to Su rahman.


Even the oldest and the most powerful genie can not make everyone happy, but all we can do is do as our best, likes and dislikes is part of the world that can not be avoided, therefore it is impossible to make everyone likes the result our work. If we are busy thinking about it, we become unable to work, we can do many things, we waste energy on something useless.

Maybe it would be better if Mr. be ye the one who met that genie instead of Su Darman.But never mind, hopefully Mr. be ye is aware that it is not possibly to please everyone, which Mr. Beye had to do is do the best with all his heart and sincerity and of course the results will be good.

Genie’s choice was very appropriate because it is not possible to satisfy everyone, but to reconcile betwen people in hostile is still possible. All we need is love.So many stories ever since about two families are in hostile, then one day two young members of that two families fall in love, and everything become so much better, hatred among them are gone. Because according to the Beatles’ All You Need Is Love.

“Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.

Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung.

Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game

It’s easy.

There’s nothing you can make that can’t be made.

No one you can save that can’t be saved.

Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you

in time - It’s easy.

All you need is love, all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.

All you need is love, all you need is love,

All you need is love, love, love is all you need.”

Therefore it is the work of our heart, now we can do is pray for their hearts that are hard as stone to become more open, because of love. Prayer from the sincere heart will be accepted by the universe, therefore all we need to do is continue to sincere our hearts so we can continue to send prayer “O Allah, O… Lord grow Love in our hearts…….

Peace …. Peace in our heart ….. Peace on Earth … … .. Amen…”

( This is a translation of a writing wrote by Su Rahman : http://filsafat.kompasiana.com/2010/11/22/web-programmer-dan-jin-yang-tidak-dapat-memuaskan-semua-orang/ )

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