Sunday, December 19, 2010

To Myself (part 2)

Don’t you remember a wonderful song when you were in sunter.

O yeah…..

Along the way home, I thought about your writing you sent me yesterday evening. A long the way home, while I was walking down the street. Vehicles were on the other side of me yet I kept on walking for I was already near to my home.

Wonderful song, Bapak Anand Krishna sang that song when we had open house in sunter couple years ago. Now I am trying to sing it again;

Love Love Love
Love is God…..
Live live live
Live in Love
Your master is your heart
Your heart is temple of God
God is in you,
within you,
above you,
around you and
behind you
expand your heart to encompass all
expand your heart to encompass all

That maybe the answer of your question about God. Question that confused you the most. Take a closer look to its meaning and you will be sure enough that is the answer of yours. Well….

I like that song at the very first time I listened to it. A song I’ve never heard of. Thank You Bapak…

The way You answer my question is beautiful and then I sing that song again…..

Rempoa – South Jakarta ( December 17 1010 )

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