Friday, April 15, 2011

A Reflection to Appreciate day 37th of Anand Krishna's hunger strike

 "I do not know how many hours can last or how many more days. This body may fall, but I'm sure someday there will be sons of the nation who continue this struggle against injustice and barbarity. Greeting love, greetings Indonesia!"That is Anand Krishna, in a critical condition still keeps a spirit of nationality. Entering the 37th day of hunger strike demanding a trial process in a fair and an objective way, Anand Krishna's condition has declined. It is hard for him to open his two eyes and move his body, but Anand Krishna continue his hunger strike for the sake of a justice to be upheld.

If God still needs his body as means to work, then he would survive. If not, then let him die. Mahatma Gandhi faced the British colonizers who probably still has a conscience. We are facing a system that no conscience, said Anand krishna as recorded by relatives and friends.

What's wrong with Hari Sasangka the judge?

Judge Day Sasangka is the presiding judge who led Anand Krishna's trial, many strange things of this closed trial held. Starting from uncertain time of the trial and the trial often delayed for no reason, up to the trial was postponed (undo) because the witness was unable or cancel their coming. Until then the judge's decision to detain Anand Krishna in the middle of the trial without any reasonable cause. It is known then the other judges did not join to sign that decision.

The most striking peculiarities are:

1) There is a recommendation of a particular institution that advocates for the judge to allow thewitnesses from the prosecution to be able to attend the hearing which was held in a closed session, while the reporter alone (TR) never followed the trial, that raises questions what urgency for them to attend the trial? then why should the judge grant the recommendation? because as a leader of the trial,the judge is entitled and has the authority to reject the recommendation to maintain his independence as a law enforcement officer.

2) The trial discussed only 10% of the cases which is a sexual harassment allegation, the rest 90% is a discussion, even questioning about Anand Krishna's thought contained in his books or lectures. As we know Anand Krishna is a productive writer of books, he has writen 140 books. Most of them are about self-empowerment, national spirit and appreciation of differences. No single books of his is prohibited by the prosecutor's office, you can get those books easily in book stores. And the judges knows this but they still continue the discussion of the substances that deviate from the allegations.

3) A sudden decision about Anand Krishna's detention, Anand Krishna was sentenced to be detainedalthough that was not the time. The judge immediately gave the order of detention to Anand Krishna in the middle of the trial without any prior notice. Determination of the detention was carried out in the middle the trial when the session for witnesses who ease against Anand Krishna is going to start.

4) In the detention letter contained that there were 9 witnesses who has been examined in fact there were 25 witnesses. It indicates the judge started lying to hide the facts of the trial.

5) In the the trial, once the judge said if you want to invite the expert you will need "ammunition and bullet", this implies an indication that the judges got bribes or wants to be bribed. Hari Sasangka allegedly hid Facts of the trial.

When Dewi Pratomo, TR personal therapist, allowed by the court to be one of an expert witnesses at trial, denying any possibility of subjectivity and the existence of certain interests. She claimed to have been practicing hypnotherapy for 20 years. Although in reality, The Hypnosis Motivation Institute Hypnotis Motivation Institute) said that she has just completed the distance education in February 2009. (Based on an e-mail from the Director of Distance Education, HMI). There is a discrepancy here, which should be followed up in the court, because the witnesses who were brought to court and give testimony under oath. Dewi Pratomo said in the media that afterisolating TR (Rapporteur) from the outside world for 4 months, she did 45 times hypnoteraphy sessions, she managed to recover hidden memories of the complainant. That the sexual abuse has occurred. But, according to many hipnoteraphy experts, a hypnoteraphy as much as 45 times in 4 months is not only unethical, but also may implant a false memory.

Other Hypnoterapis Wowiek Prasantyo Mardigu told the court that he had a long hypnotherapy training in Hypnotherapy Training Institute. But the director of that institute denied it ( based on an e-mail from the Director of HTI confirm this). In court, also admitted that he will do everything according to orders from clients who pays for it.

Those Testimony from theraphist who have given TR theraphy is very important, because without them then the case will never exist, but then what happened the name of those two theraphist are not on the list of witnesses who have checked in the letter signed by the presiding judge Hari Sasangka.

Case like Antasari Azhar Repeated Again, By Judges deed that Hiding Facts Alleged deviation of legal proceedings due to a murder case of the Director of PT Putra Rajawali Banjaran (PRB) Nasrudin Zulkarnaen toward the former Chairman of the Corruption  Eradication Commission (KPK) increasing strengthened. Judicial Commission (KY) ensure the parties would call back Antasari related cases because there are new developments concerning alleged violation of code of ethics and code of judges conduct from the district court to the Supreme Court (MA). Previously reported, Commissioner of Judicial Commission (KY) Suparman Marzuki found any neglect some evidence in Antasari's case conducted by three judges. Those evidence is information of ballistic and forensic expert Idris Abdul

Hari Sasangka is one of judges who handled the case, the case is full of controversy which was originally regarded as a means to silence the chairman of this Commission, finally revealed as well if there is manipulation of facts made by the judge. Hari Sasangka the judge will be examined relating to violations of that ethics code.

If we see from the entry gate of Antasari case, it is similar to the case of Anand Krishna. There is very wide possibility that if the judge did negligence by holding Anand Krishna, and ignore the facts of the trial such as that expressed by a senior lawyer Adnan Buyung Nasution. "It's been 50 years I am working in the field of law. This is the first time I see thing like this, there is a judge who put people in a guilty position before the court, "said Adnan Buyung after visiting Anand Krishna at the Police Hospital, Kramat Jati, Jakarta, Thursday (24/03/2011).

Adnan Buyung said the careless actions of judges and violated the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 158 and the judges ethics code that is free and impartial. "Just imagine, the case is still in the process, just 9 of 25 witnesses were examined, the demands of the prosecutor (the prosecutor) has not been heard, pleidoi from the suspect have not been heard, and the trial process is not finished. That means there's no proof that he (Anand Krishna) guilty, "said Buyung further.

Take back the decision in detaining Anand Krishna because it is not in its place, replace Judge Hari Sasangka as a symbol of the prosecutor's attempt to run a fair and objective trial. Do it soonbecause the life of one of Indonesian's best citizen that has not been proven guilty is in a very critical condition in demanding justice.

This is a translation of an article written by Su Rahman


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