Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anand Krishna's hunger Strike protest has Ended, But Not His struggle in Seeking Justice

Anand Krishna, Indonesia's interfaith spiritual figure which had conducted a hunger strike since March
9, 2011 to seek justice, finally on Tuesday April 26th, 2011 stopped the strike because of the letter  to suspend his detention from the prosecutor.

"Yesterday a letter about the cancellation (decision) of court (South Jakarta) came. The letter was a
response to the petition filed by the prosecution consideration. This morning a letter from the prosecutor's reply arrived. Therefore, Mr. Anand was allowed to go home, "said Sr. Comr Mas Ibnu Hajar 

With the letter from the South Jakarta District Court, said Ibnu, the status as a prisoner who was previously imposed on Anand Krishna has been revoked. In the meantime, further proceedings can be held if Anand's condition back to normal.

It was a hard way which has been taken by Anand Krishna in seeking for justice, because he believes that the allegation of sexual harassment against him is only a slander, and still it cannot be proved in court. "That  llegation is not proven in court, but judges arbitrarily decided that I must be detained. I therefore went on the hunger strike against this injustice, "said Anand in a low voice.

He believes the same treatment also experienced by those who are in a legal case in Indonesia. "I also address this hunger strike to the whole nation so they can assess how the law can be tricked by those
who have positions simply because of our authority," he said.

But it is not finished yet, he still have to undergo a series of court proceedings. May the prosecutor will run a fair and objective trial as Anand Krishna's hope because it is the right for citizens of Indonesia.

Hail Justice

This is a translation of an article written by Su Rahman 

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