Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Finally Anand Stopped His Hunger Strike

Anand Krishna keeps his promise to conduct a hunger strike until justice for himself realized. Currently, he has begun to taste meals for the first time, after a hunger strike for 45 days.
"Praise be to Allah, since last night (Tuesday, 26/04/2011) he was willing to eat," said Senior Commissioner Mas Ibnu Hajar, Head of Medical Services of Police Hospital Raden Said Sukanto (Police of Indonesian Republic), Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, when we met him in his office on Wednesday (04/27/2011).

He admitted that he was relieved by Anand Krishna's decision because he did not want to see his patient die.
"His weight is really decreased and his condition is very weak. All religion do not teach their followers to commit suicide. Hunger strike means an attempt to kill ourself," said police officer who is also a forensic specialist.
Anand's decision, Decision Anand, said Ms. Mas Hajar, taken after the letter from the South Jakarta District Court which is to cancel the detention of this spiritual leader who is suspected of sexual harassment. The decision of his detention issued by Judge due to the threat of punishment for Anand can be more than five years and to avoid the possibility of Anand to repeat his actions.
Anand's friends assess the decision as a form of injustice because it puts Anand as the perpetrator of sexual abuse prior to the sentencing court. "In fact, not all witnesses has been heard," said Dwi Ria Latifah, Anand's attorney team members some time ago.
"Yesterday a cancellation letter (decision) of court (South Jakarta) came. The letter was a response to the petition of consideration proposed by the prosecution. This morning a letter from the prosecutor's reply arrived. Therefore, Mr. Anand was allowed to go home," said Ibnu.
With the letter from the South Jakarta District Court, said Ibnu, the status of a prisoner who was previously imposed on Anand Krishna has been revoked. In the meantime, further proceedings can be held if Anand's condition back to normal.
This is a translation of an article in Kompas

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