Thursday, June 9, 2011

From Theis Toward Atheis ( The Journey of human being )

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

That's the real journey of human beings. Man is born into this world, we do not know God when we are infants up to 4 or 5 years of age. We are very cheerful and can play freely without any thought of affiliation. We do not think about theis or atheis. After having understand about life and the dogmas of religion, we are started to get introduced about God. And some think that God is ours and we claim it.

When we are dying we should realize that all knowledge would be a burden. Including knowledge of God. Do not bring knowledge when we are dead. The necessary thing to do is transform knowledge into experience. This means that transform knowledge of God into experiencing God. When we are experiencing God, so God does not exist. Because one has merged with God. How could we merge with God if there is still separation between human and God. And it could only happen in the world. Humans know the Lord as introduced by other humans. Animals do not know God. They live by instinct.

Some may say that the animal is wild. But so far there is no tiger eat their own cubs or among them. What about us, human?????? Very Often we get information about a father having intercourse with his own daughter. It is the same as "eating" his own children, isn't it? Man act cruel deeds such as robbing one another because of enslaving ourselves to our lust. Animal eats its prey, it seems cruel but it eats because it's the food it should eat. Except for animal which have been a vegetarian for long time because of interacting with other humans which are vegetarians too.

Animals eat because they are hungry. What about us, Human? Although we are full, yet we still think about our offspring. We are no longer trust in God's justice. We act as if we were God. Because we have not experienced God. Those who experience God will feel as a part of the universe. A oneness with the universe ... 

From Theis towards atheists. Merger and unification with God. There is no more separation between the Master and slave ...

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