Friday, June 10, 2011

The beauty outside occurres because of the beauty from within ... Beautify your heart, so everything will be beautiful ........

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Mulla Nasrudin lately often seen his wife grumble and cursing their neighbors which she said do not wash the white clothes very clean. Mulla Nasrudin keeps quiet, observes and listens carefully. The next morning when she woke up, she smiled and praised her neighbors that the laundry is clean. Maybe because they use whitening. She said to her husband, that the neighbors might hear her grumble, so they washed the clothes clean and bright. With a smile Mulla Nasrudin said, "Yesterday I cleaned the mirror. There is no connection between your grumble and their clean washing". Actually the mirror is dirty so you think that their laundry is dirty.

This is what happens to our hearts. The heart is like a mirror. So, if our hearts is dirty all become visibly soiled. The beauty outside occurres because of the beauty from within. If our hearts are cheerful and beautiful, everything looks beautiful. Circumstances out of ourselves will be beautiful or bad depend on the reflection from within ourselves.

When Jesus was told of and scolded, he could not reply the same thing. When his disciples asked why he did not do the same? With a gentle smile he said:

"I do not have the currency of hatred so I could no longer replied their insult. The only I can give is love. I hope they realize that they only harm themselves. I did not loss anything at all because of their deeds."

It also happened to Rabiah, a Sufi woman. At one point she was cursed and abused by those who did not like her. The answer is almost the same. She had no longer any place in her heart to insults and curses those who did the thing to her. Her heart was filled with God's names so that she had no longer any room for evil blasphemer and of hatred. Everything become sacred when our heart is pure and clean from hatred. We cannot clean dirty floor with dirty water. It must be cleaned using clean water.

It is not necessary to take care of others, deal with yourself and observe the cleanliness of your heart. Be in harmony with nature. So it will make you closer to God. all hatred, greedy, envy and anger will be increasingly draw you far from Divine guidance. God is all jealous. He did not want to share with greed and anger. If the heart is filled of hatred and lust, God won't be there. That's when our relationship with the universe breaks... That's when we lose in life.

It is not realized by the followers of religions which derives from revelation of God. We are losers when we cannot use this life time to get closer to God. It is not Him that take distance with us, but we ourselves which cover our hearts of His presence. we forget the purpose of our birth that should eliminate our lust. We actually increase or strengthen the greed to serve our lust. Many saints and prophets sent  by God to remind us, but we still forget. In fact, we often blaspheme the prophets and the saints because they interfere our indulgence in sensual pleasures.

Some also seem to be diligently pray and read holy books. But it is only body exercises or ritual. They worship only as a show off or to show off to others for praise. How can doing worship can make us far  from disgraceful acts, if it is only done in certain time and place. Prayer should be applied in our daily life. It is should be part of us and do not place it far away such as on top of the tower ...

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