Monday, June 13, 2011

Be Poor and Rich in The Eyes Of God...

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Be poor in the eyes of God, then you will have His wealth. This sentence is easily spoken, but how many
of us who are only speak it without any understanding?  No Action Talk Only. Poor in wealth? Who is able to? Look at the majority of us being slaves of wealth? Only few of us who reliaze the purpose of  our life. They think that spiritual journey is able to be separated from daily life such as business, funny, isn't it? How can one do that?

This is one cunning way to avoid the spiritual journey. They separate between daily work and the time
they are doing worship in front of God (they think). If that is thing said and done, no wonder the
authorities and Indonesian man increasingly unorganized. It is easy for them to find justification to
rape of His decision. They will become thieves in one place and give charity in another. They have made
their own provisions against law of nature.

Make yourselves poor from property does not mean that we are really poor. It is poor from poor
attachment or craving to material possessions. There are some people who looked poor in body, but full
of worldly attachment. It also categorized as poor in the eyes of God. His heart filled with desire so
he has few places to remember God. Or even he has forgotten God?

Do not waste your life by doing worldly thing only. Try your best to find the treasure of the world, but
you must give it back to HIM, The Owner after you get it. We only use our wealth as needed. Not to
fulfill all of our desires... Well this is why we must understand the difference between needs and wants ......

There is enough on Earth for everybody's need, but not enough for everybody's greed (Mahatma Gandhi)

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