Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hari Sasangka Was Reported to Have an Affair with Sinta Kencana

From an article written by Su Rahman 

From the beginning, this case is full of awkwardness and increasingly obvious there is certain manipulation behind the case of Anand Krishna. Today chairman of the South Jakarta District Court judges in the case Anand Krishna, Hari Sasangka, was reported to the Judicial Commission for allegedly violating the code of ethics. The report was conducted by Anand Krishna's attorney, Humphrey R Djemat, Monday (6 / 6).

Hari Sasangka, the Chief Judge who handles the case of Anand Krishna alleged to have committed a
disgraceful act in a relationship with the victim witness named Sinta Kencana Keng and show partiality.
"The report is purely an alleged violation of code of ethics because the judge has committed a disgraceful act. The Judge conducted a relationship with a woman victim witnesses in the case that is examined in the South Jakarta District Court, that is the case of Anand Krishna, "Humphrey said in the Judicial Commission office on Monday (6 / 6).

The report is supported by the evidence in the form of photographs and witnesses who saw the meeting
between Hari Sasangka and Shinta Kencana Kheng. Humphrey explained that witnesses saw a direct meeting of the two  in three different occasions. Namely since March 30, 2011, May 25, 2011

"Building  a relationship with the parties to the case alone is not allowed, moreover met Shinta who is a victim-witness, in the car at night in several different places," said Humphrey.

Meanwhile the head of Supervision and Investigation of Judge Supaman Marjuki who received Anand's
attorney, said that Hari Sasangka action is very demeaning for judges.

"The Judicial Commission will follow this report. This is sufficient condition for further action, if proven in question (Hari Sasangka) can be dismissed, "said Suparman.

"Building a relationship with the parties to the case alone is not allowed, moreover met Shinta who is a victim-witness, in the car at night in several different places," said Humphrey.

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