Monday, June 13, 2011

A Great Retreat at One Earth Retreat Center

Translated from an article written by Su Rahman
One Earth One Sky One Humankind Hermitage which is under Anand Ashram Foundation (affiliated with the United Nations) held a retreat with a great theme "Bring our Heart and Vision Together" from June 2nd -5th, 2011. Participants came from various city in Indonesia such as; Bandung, Bali, Lampung, Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Solo, Semarang and Kalimantan. This Retreat provides self-empowerment program that is packaged in a variety of meditation;

  • Dynamic Meditation in the morning to start our day,
  • Satsang with Anand Krishna,
  • Workshops with some themes: Team Work, Spiritual Organization And Creative Work,
  • Working Meditation,
  • Yoga,
  • Circle Of Laughter,
  • Bhajan,
  • Discussion about Nationalism,
  • Sufi Mehfil (Whirling meditation).

All meditation exercises given is to awaken our awareness that there is a same value in every human being,namely the values of humanity. And when we are aware of such value, a person will be more human. Realizing that the value derives from the Single Source that is God The Almighty, thus, Indonesian people will no longer live separately one another based on any religion or tribes or other thing.
Every person of this nation must have that vision which is contained in our national slogan "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ( Unity in Diversity ). And to achieve the vision we should start from ourselves by empowering ourselves so that we will have awareness and realize we actually never separate from human values among people everywhere, so we will proclaim "One Earth, One Sky, One Humankind"
Last but not least, the event was closed by Mr. Anand Krishna with some advice to be pondered upon our daily work/activities. He said "Keep on your works, work wholeheartedly as an offering to Him the supreme one ".

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