Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Along the way

It was a calm and bright night. At about four thirty in the late afternoon a young couple went out together planning to go somewhere. The girl was in blue t-shirt and jeans while the boy was in black shirt with a skull painted and old black jeans. They seemed to be a happy couple. Ya, it was not Saturday night which is a day for young couples going out to have fun.

They held hand one another while walking down the street. And then they stopped at a bus shelter waiting for certain bus to take. For several minutes finaly they got the bus.

It was just an ordinary bus, as you can see several passanger seats have been taken so that more passangers have to stand up. Well, it’s Indonesia, our beloved country.

As they have a seat at the back side, I heard the girl’s mind having conversation with herself.

“hmm… God this boy is nice but sometimes when gets angry with me I couldn’t stand to cry and a bit upset. Do not know what to say, but I do do not want to loose him. I want to be with him always”

Then she stared at him for a while. The boy seemed to understand that his girl looked at him but he try to act as usual and close his eyes as if he was sleeping.

Her mind kept talking

“God, how should I transform my anger to him into love, real love? Not just monkey love? God, what should I do to maintain the love not just for him but for all mandkind as well?”

The bus kept move on sometimes it stopped whenever its passanger come in or out.
The bus was not full yet the seats were all full with passangers.

The air came in from its window blew the girl’s hair, she looked out of it for a second and then kept on her mind talking…

Image: Google search

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