Thursday, May 10, 2012

Birds in my neighborhood

I always like birds.  In the morning or evening there are some birds sing beautifully in the backyard of our house and up in the tree at the front part of our house. Nice you know…

They are kutilangs, sparrow, and turtledove. I think they love being around our neighbourhood since there are still many trees where they can live with their family. Of course, most of them are sparrow, a little brown birds which usually live in a group. They eat seeds, little bean, paddy or rice, bread crumbs.

Yes, they eat bread crumbs for I have came across the moment when a little girl which is my little niece threw her bread away then a flock of sparrow flew down from a line of power cable to have it together.
I saw the way they eat.


The way they fly, it is amazing I think. In the morning I often see them fly in a very dangerous way. Their body almost touch the ground, just like they are doing an acrobatic. Wonderful and I can’t stand watching them doing it.

What a lovely creature….

Image: Google search

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