Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Howard Carter as Google Theme

Egypt has always been a place for those who are interested in archeology. Especially about the tomb of Egyptian empire. Yesterday, Google appreciated Howard Carter by making him as Google theme. He was someone believed to be a primary discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Howard Carter was an English archeologist and Egyptologist which was born 0n 9th May 1874 – a hundred thirty eight years ago. He was the son of Samuel Carter, a skilled artist who trained him to follow in his footsteps.

On 4th November 1922 Carter’s excavation group found the steps leading to Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of The kings. It was the best preserved and most intact pharaonic tomb ever found there.

He retired from archeology and became a part-time agent for collectors and museums since 1932.  Then on  2nd March 1939 he died of lymphoma, a type of cancer, in Kensington, London  at the age of 64.

Carter was buried in the Putney Vale Cemetery in London. On his gravestone is written: "May your spirit live, May you spend millions of years, You who love Thebes, Sitting with your face to the north wind, Your eyes beholding happiness" and "O night, spread thy wings over me as the imperishable stars”

Thank you Howard Carter for all your work done during your lifetime. God bless you.

Image: Google search

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