Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Anand Krishna Case Enters a New Phase

Translated from an article written by Su Rahman 
Since the beginning a case of Anand Krishna is supposed to be full of manipulation to silent that spiritual leader who is active in sounding about nationalism enter a new phase in which all of a sudden Hari Sasangka who chaired the case was suddenly replaced. God knows what the motive behind that replacement, but a day before, Hari Sasangka was exposed to have an affair with the victim witness Shinta Kencana Kheng. Anand Krishna's attorney have reported violations of the code of ethics that was conducted by the Judge to the Judicial Commission (KY). The Report is completed with photos about their meetings and also 5 (five) witnesses who saw them.

Supaman Marjuki who served as chairman of Supervision and Investigation said that the report about allegations of ethical violations done by Judge Hari Sasangka is complete and eligible to follow-up.
Lovers of Anand Ashram Community Performed a Peaceful Demo
For the second time lover of Anand Ashram spiritual community held a demonstration in front of the South Jakarta district court, by singing the national anthem and folk songs. This community proclaimed their demands that there are strong allegations of ethics violations committed by Chief judge Hari Sasangka. The reason is that Hari Sasangka is suspected to have met witness in Anand Krishna case named Shinta Kencana Kheng, on March 23, 2011 at 20:20 pm. They have also been reported to the Judicial Commission (KY) as a response to indications of ethical violations.

David Purba, the coordinator of the demo said the a peaceful demo by KPAA is a statement toward the court which is considered to have violated the code of ethics. "We demand attitude of the court because the judge had violated the code of ethics, it is not appropriate to have a relationship with a witness-victim and of course there is partiality," he told reporters after holding the demo at the South Jakarta District Court, Ampera 133, South Jakarta, on Wednesday afternoon .
Albertina Ho Become presiding judge of Anand Krishna
Seeking justice in this country really expensive, whether we like it or not it has embedded a mental attitude that those who own money will win the case, but hopefully obtaining justice can still be met from the figure of a woman judge known as The present Indonesian Legal Srikandi.
The Chairman of South Jakarta District Court decided Albertina Ho as substitute judges of Hari Sasangka who try the case of Anand Krishna. The decision is based on the number 1054/Pid.B/2010/PN.Jkt.Sel decision on June 7, 2011 and signed by the Chairman of the South Jakarta District Court Herry Swantoro. "decided Albertina Ho as council chairman, Muhammad Razzad as judges of the tribunal and Suko Harsono as judges of the tribunal," said the South Jakarta District Court spokesman, Ida Bagus Dwiyantara in South Jakarta district court, Jakarta, Wednesday (08/06/2011)

Profile of judge Albertina Ho
BIRTH: Southeast Maluku, January 1, 1960
OCCUPATION: South Jakarta District Court Judge
Candidates for District Court judges Yogyakarta (1986-1990)
Judge in Slawi District Court, Tegal, Central Java (1990-1996)
Judge in Temanggung District Court, Central Java (1996-2002)
Judge in Cilacap District Court, Central Java (2002-2005)
Vice Secretary of the Judicial Division of the Supreme Court (2005-2008)
Judge in South Jakarta District Court (since August 2008)
Elementary school in Ambon, graduated in 1973
Subsidized Catholic Ambon junior high school, graduated in 1975
Ambon State Senior high school II, graduated in 1979
Faculty of Law, University of Gadjah Mada University, graduated in 1985
Master of Law, University of General Sudirman, graduated in 2004

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