Saturday, April 29, 2017

Thank You Madam...

Image from Google
“What makes you look in a good mood? Are you in love with someone or.....” My  mind suddenly asked, made me surprised.

“Well, you know what? I’ve got the answer from her. Thing that I have waited for more than 3 days finnaly this early morning came to me,” I explained eagerly.

“She was very late in answering my question because she’s been very busy these days. That’s she said to me also this morning in her message. Knowing that reason, made me a little sad for I’ve bothered her.” I still made my mind listening to me.

“Then, to my apologize, I made a simple poem to her. Let me read it for you.”

Thank You
This morning sunshine
Cheer me up to my spine
And the day
Turn out to be more fun
Well, your message I’ve waited
Made me touched
Since I was worry you would ignore it
Thank you  madam
So sorry for bothering you
I did not mean to
Thank you madan
Hoping that you’ll be nice
Thank you madam
From the bottom of my heart

“Wow... you became so poetic in a sudden,” my mind chuckled

“Ah... Do not tease me anymore. It’s just because I was so sorry for bothering her.” I tried to convice my mind

As the conversation ended, I was still thanking her for her time answering my question.

I was surprised that it took me more than an hour to think about it.

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