Thursday, April 27, 2017

Waiting for Answer

Image from Google
“Have you got the answer from her?” a voice which come from my mind started to ask.

“huh, huh,” as I shook my head. 

It’s a conversation between me and my mind. 

I just daydreaming

“Are you upset, disappointed?” the voice keep on asking

“A bit,” I said to myself

“I know why you are upset and disappointed about it. And i completely sure you know the reason,” the voice insisted

“Of course I know. It’s because I really expect she will answer my question which she already promised 4 days ago,”

“And I know expectation leads to disappointment if that expectation is not met.” I said to myself again.

“Well, you know it very well though. So, cheer up friend. Do not be so sad. Perhaps, not getting her answer is the best answer for your question. So, do not ask anymore,”  My mind gives me advice which makes me a little relief.

It’s a wonderful day evenhough it rained a little. I thanked my mind for the advice.
Well, actually I am still waiting for her answer though

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