Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gratitude IS RICH ... ...

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Many people only good at talking about gratitude after receiving something. Obtain what we want .. Then we want another. Never satisfied with all our desires. we are still poor. We are beggars, though we do  worship God. We begg for blessings. We are beggars for getting paradise .... We are beggars minded. Indeed we do not understand the meaning of gratitude yet... ... Because those who understand the meaning of gratitude will never complain.

Those who are grateful will have broad-minded and always able to see that our condition are still better
than the others. In this way we will rise and continue to struggle no matter what. Those who understand
the meaning of gratitude will continue to share and share. We will always think that we did not carry
anything when we were born and we won't carry anything when we are dead either.

It is very beautiful the form of each movement while we are praying when we understand how to applly it when we are doing it. when we are standing and raise our hand by saying Allah Hu Akbar... ( Allah is The Almighty ) Feel that all the luck that we get comes from Him. Begin to examine one by one. The closest course, while standing in a healthy state it is a tremendous blessing. It is also a blessing from Him
that we can say Allah Hu Akbar ( Allah is The Almighty ). Imagine if we cannot speak. When we are
kneeling down, convey or give all the bad side that we have. He is the Supreme recycler. He is all
goodness and beauty of the sole proprietor. All the bad qualities are in us. Therefore, leave all of our
evils. If we are able to hand over all, so only goodness remains which is also belongs to Him ....

Those who are able to understan of gratitude is no longer praying to beg. We are not beggars anymore. We have become rich. Our mind or brain are more open by feeling gratitude. Law of attraction will run. Good will attract all that is good. Beauty Will attract other beauty. By feeling grateful we will open the door of happiness even wider. All good and luck will come. Gratitude makes us easy to forgive and always have smile spread across our lips. Our face will shine for the heart will always connect to Him the Most Beautiful and Gracious.

Gratitude will make our body become healthy. With a healthy body, we will be able to have the opportunity to work as an attempt to share with others. By sharing will not make us increasingly poor, quite the contrary. Richer and richer .... It's easy to say that our lips say grateful. But it is only lips sevice. The reality? Still seized by asking and asking ....

Gratitude is not only able to share in the state of matter. Money. With a smile and trying to help others is a wealth. Do not talk about others evil proves that the self is rich. By not asking while we are praying will make us more powerful. This is the power and the real human wealth. And all of us can  do it. Only laziness that block. This is the manifestation of devil thought that obstruct evolving the divine within ourselves ... ...

Gratitude IS RICH ... ...

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