Thursday, July 26, 2012

Self-Empowerment to face life

Everything is energy, that is what I read from books written by Anand Krishna, a productive Indonesian writer which is also a spiritual activist. He also said that in one or more talkshow or discussion. Einstein also spoke the same that we live in a pool of energy. Of course we are also consist of energy.

This energy which is so vital for the living can cause something good or bad. It depends though.

As Anand Krishna said that anger is also energy, lots of it. So when we are angry actually we have lots of energy but do not know what to do or do not realize it so we get angry with no reason (at least). Many people do that. And some time I do so.

Lately, many thanks to Anand Krishna that is also a founder of Anand Ashram in Sunter, North Jakarta because by joining program in Anand Ashram has helped me to know if I am about to angry, disappointed or so. I can feel it and by the program given, actually we are much helped to empower ourself that’s why the motto of Anand Ashram is Centre for Wellbeing and Self-Empowerment.

Not only in Sunter, there are centre in Jogjakarta, Bali, Bandung, and Surabaya. It has so many advantage for us who live in this stressfull age, modern age.

Many of us who come from various educational, belief, profession and etnic background, very thankful that we are guided to empower our selves so that we can handle our problem better. Some say, life is a problem, samsara and by joining the programs there, we are able to face it in a different way.

Yes, Anand Ashram or now the name is Anand Krishna Centre for Wellbeing and Self-Empowerment really helps us. Do not know how to thank him which is through his works already helped us in many ways. 

Thank You sir…..

Image: Google Search

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