Monday, August 3, 2015

Easy and not

Taken from Google
It’s easy to say that man - human can not die. It is our body, the gross body which die but not our soul. We are immortal. Our soul is eternal. Our body which is formed by five elements; water, fire, earth, air and space that will die and each elements will get decomposed.

It is easy to say it when someone else – someone we do not know - die. But it is hard to understand it when someone we love pass away. We will be very sad to find out that we lose him/her. For certain cases, even losing someone we love so much can make us get depressed .

We can cry for hours or even days.

Ya, I’ve lost my father, four brothers and one little sister. It is a big one for me when my father passed away in April 2010. Even though I did not really close to him but he was my father. I regretted bad things that I committed towards him. I love him though in my way. And in my opinion he loved all his children in his way too which sometime we (his children) could not understand.

It is so true that everyone will die, all of us. It is a thing that is very certain in life.

It is easy and not easy too. All we have to do is to remind ourselves about it.

May we can face all hardship in our life no matter what. O, God... give us strength and courage to deal with it.

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