Friday, November 2, 2018

About Something Outside

A voice in my head: “wake up man, nobody cares what you’ve said. Don’t put forward the same opinion of yours again and again. Your friends are tired of it. “

Me:” yeach, so sorry about that. I am sad though. Why can’t they have the same opinion as i do? “

A voice in my head:”people are different you know.  Perhaps they agree with your opinion and they just keep silent. Do not want to talk about it."

Me:”I am sure some of them agree and they also think that i’ve said the right thing to deliver to the forum.”

A voice in my head:”nobody is wrong you know, in that forum all only deliver about opinion. So, no one is right or wrong. Just share the opinion.”

Me:”Yeach, I try to understand it and i will do my best not to say the same thing again. I know they do not like it although....”