Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Something (lesson)

I made mistake which was using (perhaps) wrong thing then someone become quite busy by posting it in a group. I did not know that I the one who made mistake.

Then, i check my instagram. I found out that, i am the one who made mistake. It was not on purpose you know. But then, i correct the mistake and did my confess. Am i angry or something?

Perhaps not, because i did not do the mistake on purpose. I just typed and i did not check it that it turn to be a quite busy thing (conversation). But then, i should apologize that i've done something wrong.
Yeach, i am really sorry that i made people busy because of me.

The lesson i took from that mistake is that next time i must be very careful so that i won't make the same mistake again. I am really really sorry.

But, anyway i should say thank you for the lesson.

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