Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Feeling inside...

Ho ho ho….

Could not know why, it’s so hard for me to start the conversation. Easy, as some people might say. Just say hello and conversation will run automatically. But perhaps that’s only for common people not me.
“mmm… what should I say?” I still get confused by myself

Turning round and back, I wonder how and why. What’s happening to me at least that day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Conversation in me

Trying to find sort of wise words or enlightening words. Why is that?

I do not know. But this morning when I was taking a bath there was a thought crossed my mind. Suddenly I thought about death. While rubbing my body with soap, I thought about it.

I said to myself; “When the soul leave the body, so there wil only be the body without breath. That is what we call someone die”

When I die, will I realize it?

When I die, will my soul easy to leave the body I mean no attachment. No sadness or something unnecessary?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A shocked moment at night

Of course, it was a shock for me and my family. Fortunately it was over and thank God no body hurts and our house is safe. It was about ten at night that a fire was on the utility pole just behind our house. My sister woke up my mother and me at once.

I woke up but for a moment still did not quite sure what was happened. She said that we must call the state power company officers to handle it. Then I saw she called them.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Self-Empowerment to face life

Everything is energy, that is what I read from books written by Anand Krishna, a productive Indonesian writer which is also a spiritual activist. He also said that in one or more talkshow or discussion. Einstein also spoke the same that we live in a pool of energy. Of course we are also consist of energy.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Real Story in Ramadhan (I just do not understand)

It’s couple days before Ramadhan, a month where muslim all over the world undertake fasting for the whole month. Yes, it’s already a tradition (perhaps) and also an obligation for those whose Islam is their religion. During the day we are forbid to eat, drink and have sex, however we have sahur or having meal in the early morning each day.

“mom, perhaps in Ramadhan this year I won’t do fasting,” said a young sister of Shasha while they were in the kitchen preparing lunch on Sunday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Along the way

It was a calm and bright night. At about four thirty in the late afternoon a young couple went out together planning to go somewhere. The girl was in blue t-shirt and jeans while the boy was in black shirt with a skull painted and old black jeans. They seemed to be a happy couple. Ya, it was not Saturday night which is a day for young couples going out to have fun.

They held hand one another while walking down the street. And then they stopped at a bus shelter waiting for certain bus to take. For several minutes finaly they got the bus.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

So What??

I'll tell You something
You've got to know it already
Am i wrong?

This very moment
I need to let You know
Or perhaps...
I needn't
For i am all in Your hand

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A dangerous trip (?)

“it’s a bit crazy you know?” a girl named Shasha heard her mind told her about the trip she wanted to do. Of course she knew it however she already made a promise to her lover, Satria.

“can I manage to go? Can I manage to leave?” her mind kept asking herself.

That day she and her lover intended to attend a lecture, an important one in the evening. They planned to go and already made a promise to one of the persons in charge there that they would come and attend the lectures which was scheduled for 4 meetings.

It was the second meeting and they must go no matter what.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Actually she is he

“could you do something for me?” a friend rather than best friend ask me when I dropped by her house several days ago.

“uhuh uhuh” I nodded my head twice without wanting to open my mouth. She took it as if I accept her request. Indeed it was what I meant.

“well, actually I am rather shy to tell you about this. Perhaps I can say it is one of my secrets that I need to reveal,” she started to tell me. I just kept my ears on listening to each word she said, trying to be a good listener.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Has gone nowhere
but He is everywhere
Here and there...

The One
for sure
Yes, He is which i meant

Do you in love with Him? i ask myself
definitely i am trying to

Monday, May 14, 2012

We are…

I am interested in a commercial on tv last night. It says: we are connected…. Then I thought for a second. What a smart commercial, a smart word. Whether they understand the “real” meaning of the word or not, in my opinion they are smart.

Indeed we are connected one another. Just look at around and think deeply.

We live in the same plannet, Earth. So if bad things or catastrophy happens in this plannet, so we’ll get the consequencies. For example big earthquake hit our country, so another country also get the result of it. Perhaps most of us do not pay attention to it.

But, what about the air. We breathe the same air. We cannot choose which air we want to take inside our lungs but it just happens like that. Automaticaly. If there is someone has a flu or cough and our body is not in good conditions, so we will suffer from flu or cough. So, whenever we have got flu or cough, do not forget to cover our mouth using a mask. Do not make our brothers or sisters suffer the same.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Peoples of a different world

By: Anand Krishna

Not too long ago, I faced a situation, when for the first time I realized that to some people love and loins are inseparable. To them, love making is the only possible expression of love. They cannot think of love as anything else other than the meeting of human genitals.

I have this habit of signing my books “with love” – always.  Having done that for more than a decade, I faced a situation when even that line was being questioned. Thus, I was being projected as the perfect blend of Caligula and Casanova.

Why do I sign my books “with love”?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Film, The Art of Getting By

Yesterday after arriving home from work, then I took a bath to make my body fresh. Thanks God I still have a mother at least who always waits for me at home. I did not have a meal since I did have dinner outside with my best friend.

Knowing that I still have a dvd film, which I bought last week, so I decided to watch it. The title is “the art of getting by” actually I did not know the meaning but I was interested in the players so I kept watching it.

The film is about George, a lonely and fatalistic teen who's made it all the way to his senior year without ever having done a real day of work, is befriended by Sally, a popular but complicated girl who recognizes in him a kindred spirit.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Birds in my neighborhood

I always like birds.  In the morning or evening there are some birds sing beautifully in the backyard of our house and up in the tree at the front part of our house. Nice you know…

They are kutilangs, sparrow, and turtledove. I think they love being around our neighbourhood since there are still many trees where they can live with their family. Of course, most of them are sparrow, a little brown birds which usually live in a group. They eat seeds, little bean, paddy or rice, bread crumbs.

On Sunday

A little girl of 14 just wake up from her deep sleep, she did not get up right away. Staring at her bedroom attic, she was wondering…

Then a firm voice made her about to jump from her white and blue bed covered by batik sheets. Ah.. she actually did not want to go out from her room. But that voice asked her to.

Like a zombie, she walked out of the room. Unwilling to do it.

“hello darling,” a young lady smiled at her lovingly.

“yes mom,” said the girl

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Howard Carter as Google Theme

Egypt has always been a place for those who are interested in archeology. Especially about the tomb of Egyptian empire. Yesterday, Google appreciated Howard Carter by making him as Google theme. He was someone believed to be a primary discoverer of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Howard Carter was an English archeologist and Egyptologist which was born 0n 9th May 1874 – a hundred thirty eight years ago. He was the son of Samuel Carter, a skilled artist who trained him to follow in his footsteps.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Anand Krishna & His Offering

Anand Krishna, which is not only a spiritual activist but a productive writer and a humanist as well lately gave his latest offering to the world. It is an ashram in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia where all people from all over the world with various background are welcome. Not only those with faith or religion but faithless and even atheist are welcome.

This humble but famous figure with One Earth, One Sky and One Humankind as his vision really grateful for having some guests during the soft mellow opening of the ashram. This is what has been said by Marie Bee, a French journalist when she came to that opening on 8 April this year, ”I know that today everyone feels the intentions in your heart and share them”. And she also very much enjoyed the ceremony there without any priest and fuss.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Being Grateful is the key to happiness

Today, a friend tell us about being grateful will lead to a self contentment.

Bang!! Our mind seemed to get a hit. Yes,  we realize that at least today we are not grateful enough with something in our life. Perhaps we are just like someone else out there, however we must contemplate our self about it.

If we want a self contentment, so we must be grateful first as said by one of our friend. It looks easy to say but we must do it. Started from ourselves than we can change how we look at our life.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Book Launching -The Hanuman Factor written by Anand Krishna

Congratulation to Bapak Anand Krishna, a prominent spiritual activist and a productive writer from Indonesia for the launching of one of his amazing book titled The Hanuman Factor. The book was launched during the closing of the Guru Sangaman held at Thyagraj Sports Complex on Thursday April 12th, 2012, New Delhi, India

Guru Sangamam was formed last year with a view to “nurture, promote and celebrate the wealth of indigenous spirituality in the country. Its chief objective was to evolve ‘a non religious, apolitical platform’ that represented the variety and exuberance of all Indian spiritual movements devoted to the ‘liberation of the individual’, affirming diversity as a strength rather than a limitation. In a single year, the event has expanded from a meeting of 17 spiritual figures to include over a hundred voices of support from like minded gurus spanning a spectrum of traditions, from Hindu to Jain, Sikh to Buddhist.”

Monday, January 30, 2012

True Laughter is Nothing But Heartfelt Prayer

When you begin your day in laughter and love, your life gets divinely enlivened. True prayer is laughing in the morning both from outside and from deep inside.

Laughter comes from the centre of our Being, from the core of our heart. Our belly is so full of laughter that the laughter permeates every cell in our body. True laughter is true prayer. When you laugh, the whole of nature laughs with you. It echoes and resounds and makes life worthwhile. When things go all right, everybody can laugh, but when everything falls apart, and yet you laugh, that is evolution and growth. Nothing in life is more worthy than your laughter.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A wonderful new years eve

It was such a wonderful new year’s eve we had. On 31st December 2011 we went to One Earth Retreat Center in Ciawi , West Java. Joining a new year’s eve program there held by Anand Ashram Foundation ( affiliated with UN ) made us so happy.

The program is regularly held each year with various kind of theme, last theme was “Karma Yoga – from disasters to grace”. The program were conducted by Zembry and Iu Haryadi, both showed a so called kaleidoscope of things happened during 2011 due to Anand Ashram activities.