Monday, December 27, 2010

Fear Management - Managing Fear to Trigger Self Evolution

Many times we cancel things when we want to do them because there is fear in us, False Emotions Appearing Real (Fear) is a false emotion that seem real. It is false because it has not happened yet we feel it so real. For example when we need to do medical check up we may think about someone else who has the same condition as us and think perhaps we will get the same dieases then we get stress eventhough we have not seen the doctor yet.

I have a friend who is so afraid of a frog, even he can lose consciousness if he touches it accidentally. Once he said, but my fear of frogs is not a problem because I only afraid of if and what is the importance of a frog in life. I think the important thing is not the object of our fear but the fear itself. Can we overcome that fear? Because fear is a form of emotion despite the object of it, and we should overcome that emotion.

I remember a movie titled Anger Management, starring Jack Nicholson, Adam Sandler and Marisa Tomei. Dave has a psychiatric disorder that he is afraid of showing his love to his girlfriend in public area. Then with the help of an expert anger Therapy named DR Buddy, he was brought back to remember all his childhood memory. And the psychiatric found Dave's problems. His fear came from trauma when he was a kid that made him angry but he kept his anger. He undertook a series of therapy program to overcome his fear by overcoming his anger, let go of such useless emotion from his soul.

In a book titled Fear Management by Anand Krishna explained several fear that are available in human being so that we can overcome it in order to trigger our evolution. In the book contained 158 pages, published by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama Mr. Anand Krishna invites us to manage the fear we have, we cannot possibly eliminate the fear since fear itself is a source of energy that can be utilized to enhance the spiritual evolution in this life. So, please take a moment to go through this useful book.

Keep empowering ourselves!!



Fear Management – Anand Krishna – PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama (

Sunday, December 19, 2010

To Myself (part 2)

Don’t you remember a wonderful song when you were in sunter.

O yeah…..

Along the way home, I thought about your writing you sent me yesterday evening. A long the way home, while I was walking down the street. Vehicles were on the other side of me yet I kept on walking for I was already near to my home.

Wonderful song, Bapak Anand Krishna sang that song when we had open house in sunter couple years ago. Now I am trying to sing it again;

Love Love Love
Love is God…..
Live live live
Live in Love
Your master is your heart
Your heart is temple of God
God is in you,
within you,
above you,
around you and
behind you
expand your heart to encompass all
expand your heart to encompass all

That maybe the answer of your question about God. Question that confused you the most. Take a closer look to its meaning and you will be sure enough that is the answer of yours. Well….

I like that song at the very first time I listened to it. A song I’ve never heard of. Thank You Bapak…

The way You answer my question is beautiful and then I sing that song again…..

Rempoa – South Jakarta ( December 17 1010 )


It was after having lunch. Soon after that perhaps 10 minutes or so, I get sleepy. Well, it could be everyone’s usual problem in our daily life. I am sleepy now.


Let me tell you something about this also.

Last week when I got cough and I must take medicines, this problem also in my eyes. Really in my two eyes. I was sleepy after taking those medicine which was antibiotics and medicine to handle soar throat and allergic. That’s why I am kind of lazy to take any kind of medicine whether it is from a doctor or usual medicine you can find in the drug store around. I cannot stand on the side effect of them. Sleepy.

Although it is good for our body to take a rest for a while but for I am in an office hour, so I could not sleep. I kept my eyes open or I go to the bathroom and put a little water in my two eyes in order to handle that problem. Or you can also rub your eyes with wet towel to fresh them.

Now, that I face the same problem again. I am sleepy. I know what to do then………….

Rempoa – South Jakarta ( December 20, 2010)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

To myself

Well, well, well…

It has been a long time for me not to write to you. How are you now? Are you still in your best condition? I do hope so since I’ve been always prayed for your health in your soul and body. How is that? Am I not your very best friend? Ha ha ha

So, things are alright with me. I am just fine. I just want to let you know about me here which is close to you. Yes, we are so close, aren’t we? I need to tell you that I try to be grateful to what you have done to me all the time. I say many thank to you.

Perhaps you do not expect this writing but it is ok, I understand that. Well, I say thank you for thousand times.

Small things and big things, I try to take it and fell happy about them. Just like the Saint say that it is good to be grateful in many ways. Do not take things seriously, although I often am covered with sadness, anger and hatred but I try to change anyway.

I thank Him for giving me the opportunity to live another day so I can undertake improvement in me my self. I must remember Him always for He is The One and Only. Even sometime I get confused about Him. some say we are God for we ourselves create our own destiny whether we succeed or fail. But He is The Almighty, and how is it? Still get confused about it.

One thing for sure that all I can do is thank Him for everything and be grateful about it.

Rempoa – South Jakarta (16 December 2010)