Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We Will be in Trouble if They Rule This Country

As a Muslim I was hurt to read the news on Rakyat Merdeka Online, Friday, April 29, 2011, 12:27:00 AM reported that violence happened in the name of religion that is a prosecution the closure of a church. "The first disturbance took place last February 16th in which I was forced to sign the closing of the church," said church leader, Reverend Nico Lomboan

At that time, he was forced to sign a letter by a group of peope in the front of the house of Sleman Regional Representatives Council . In fact, according to him a member of Regional Representatives Council in Sleman also forced him to approve the closure of the church. He threatened he will make the same thing as happened in Temanggung.

"I was confronted to the masses and forced to sign it, otherwise I will be killed or Sleman will be the second Temanggung."

If that such evil human beings are in power in this country then surely we are all that will be in trouble, those men such as vampire will still undertake violence, because that is the only language they understand as we can look at their behavior.

Where is the beauty of islamic values gone?

Islam is a blessing for all mankind, a blessing for the universe. Not only for human being can surely feel such blessing but for all of His creatures in this universe. But if the struggle allows all sorts of ways, including killing, so what would happen if the struggle is reached?. A bad politicians who struggle, campaign with all sorts of ways, then look at his behavior when he was elected as the representatives in our representatives House there?. Well, at the end it is us who are in troubled by such representatives. They do not care about their people interests because they only care about their own problem.

The bomb incident inside a mosque was a sign that they will not hesitate to kill those who disagree with them, so what if they are in power to rule this country? I am sure our life will be in threat all the time because they will do anything as they intend to.

The way they interpret the holly Qur'an are based on themselves which are full of violence and very tough character. Well, that will be the end of Islam as the blessing for the universe. Such kind of interpretation will never make this world a prosper and enjoyable place to live in. Islam which is known as the blessing for all will be just a dream.

Do not Keep silent! Let's Speak out About this outrage!

Our silence only gives energy to them, our silence will only make them more confident. Perhaps we now become indifferent because we have not been affected by their violence, because we are still safe.
Finnally that is our silence which will make them rule this country for they take it from us. It will be all our mistakes for having been silent and do not react against their existence. So, before it is too late, better if we speak out and take a stand, get together to react so that they will not stay in this country for long.

Therefore DO NOT Be Silent! Care for our motherland future

· At least three churches in Temanggung, Central Java, were damaged as a target of mass amok following the riots in blasphemy case trial by defendant Anthony Richmond Bawengan at Temanggung District Court on Tuesday (02/08/2011).

This is a translation of an article written by Su Rahman

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