Monday, May 30, 2011

Wisdom from Shatya Sai Baba

Sai Baba has passed away but his love and his wisdoms will always remain with us wherever we are and whenever it wil be. Reading wisdoms help us to remember about him more. That's why I try to re-write some wise words of him and put it here for all of us. May Peace be Upon him....
Thank you Baba for all your blessing and love.

If you meditate every day on God as the inner core, the real flame of love, power and wisdom, in each individual - man, woman and child, high and low, rich and poor, learned and illiterate - then you will not emphasize the differences and quarrel. Then anger, envy and hatred cannot enter your broad heart. Love will be the only quality welcomed therein and emanating therefrom.

Action is spiritual practice, when it is done as seva. The service attitude is most beneficial to the person rendering it as well as to others. Service is the best use to which the body can be put. In fact, you are not doing service to others. You are doing it always to yourselves, to the God in you, the God who is equally present in others.

Trusting in God strengthens your faith in your fellow men. You will love them more, suffer their faults and failings with greater sympathy and you will share in activities that serve the poor and the disabled. You will come to know that God loves those who love His children and He will shower grace on those who serve the weak, the meek and the ignorant.

It is Love that creates, sustains and engulfs all. Without Love, no one can claim to have succeeded in deciphering God and His handiwork, the Universe. God is Love; live in Love - that is the direction indicated by the sages. Love can grow only in a well-ploughed heart, free from brambles. So, the heart has to be prepared by means of constant recital of the Name...Charge every second of time with the Divine current that emanates from the Name.

You have to transform your life through service. You should give no room for arrogance or self-interest to the slightest extent in your service activities. Install in your heart the feeling that the service you render to anyone is service to God. Only then does service to man become service to God.

Love binds one person to another. Love attaches one thing to another. Without Love the Universe is naught. The highest Love makes us aware of the Lord in every one. The Lord is equally present in all. Life is Love; Love is Life. Without God, deprived of God, nothing and nobody can exist. We live on and through the Divine Will. It is His will that operates as Love, in each of us. It is He who prompts the prayer, "Let all the worlds be happy." For, He makes us aware that the God we adore, the God we love, the God we live by, is in every other being as Love. Thus Love expands and encompasses all creation.

It is not easy for the mind of man immersed in worldly concerns to turn to God. Meditation, repetition of the names of the Lord, bhajans (group singing of devotional songs), reading of scriptures and other such activities are designed to purify the mind so that it can concentrate on God. As a field has to be properly ploughed and prepared for sowing so as to reap a good harvest, the field of our heart has to be rendered pure and sacred through good and holy actions, and sadhana (spiritual discipline) if it is to yield the fruit of Divine Wisdom.

Have the Name of God on your tongue, in your breath, ever. That will evoke His Form, as the inner core of every thing, thought or turn of events. That will provide you with His company, contact with His unfailing energy and bliss. That is the Sathsanga (good association) that gives you maximum benefit. Converse with God who is in you; derive courage and consolation from Him. He is the Guru most interested in your progress. Do not seek the Guru outside you, in hermitages or holy places. The God in you is father, mother, preceptor, and friend.

Sai Inpires

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