Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Have you meditated today?

Such question might as simple as have you prayed today?

Perhaps, but may be the first question is rarely been heard of since we haven’t got accustomed to meditation. Yes, but one thing for sure, meditation as a Wise Man says that it is not a silent sitting for several hours or more.

Meditation should be a way of life. Means that we can meditate while walking, eating, even when we are working. Great idea, don’t you think so?

Indonesian Youth Celebrates UN World Interfaith Harmony Week

Indonesian Youth Striving for Global Peace Harmony

Jakarta – Under the auspices of UNDPI-Affiliate Anand Ashram Foundation Indonesia, youth from different sections and elements of society got together on the 1st of February to begin a week long celebration of the World Interfaith Harmony Week, initiated by the Jordan Prince Ghazi and unanimously adopted by all UN member states.

“Our theme this year,” explained Dr Wayan Sayoga, the foundation chairman, “is ‘Indonesian Youth Striving for Global Harmony’. This is well received by our NGO Colleagues, among others Indonesian Women’s Association for Global Peace (IWAG-P), Islamic Movement for Non-Violence (IMN), Centre for Vedic & Dharmic Studies, National Integration Movement (NIM), One Earth Integral Education Foundation, and One Earth School (OES).”
The event took place in Ubud, Bali

Joehanes Budiman representing the National Integration Movement (NIM) pointed out, “For centuries we have lived on the archipelago in complete peace and harmony. We are determined to keep it that way.”
Maya Safira Muchtar, Inspirer of IWAG-Peace added, “With their dynamism, youth are the natural agents of change. With their participation in events like this, we are sure that there will be no more religious conflicts and violations of human rights in Indonesia and elsewhere on the planet.”