Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Picture taken from Google
It seems that she is in a little stress. There are many things in her mind. Even, so many. Anger, disappointment, fear, worrying, unhappiness, and so on...

She took a long deep breath several times. She realizes those all emotions are in her. Those emotions hang around her several these days. She does not know who to talk to.

“I must blame myself for those emotions,” she said to herself. No one to blame but herself.

“I must deal with those emotions. By myself,” she continues.

Perhaps people around her will think that she is ok, nothing to worry about her. Indeed, she tries not to make her family (especially) worry about her.

She behaves as usual. Just usual as she used to be.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Taken from Google
So many things

Keep quite
Be silent

I could not say
Any single word
I cried

It was a loud one
But again
In my mind

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Taken from Google
I saw a black door
At the front
Why was that?

There was a black cat
When I looked out the window
Why was that?

Black birds were flying
When I looked at the sky
Why was that?

Monday, August 3, 2015

Easy and not

Taken from Google
It’s easy to say that man - human can not die. It is our body, the gross body which die but not our soul. We are immortal. Our soul is eternal. Our body which is formed by five elements; water, fire, earth, air and space that will die and each elements will get decomposed.

It is easy to say it when someone else – someone we do not know - die. But it is hard to understand it when someone we love pass away. We will be very sad to find out that we lose him/her. For certain cases, even losing someone we love so much can make us get depressed .

We can cry for hours or even days.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

To soon...

Ibu Natalie at One Earth Retreat Centre - Bogor
A friend has gone
Gone away

Do not know when to meet again
Do you know friend?

She’s a mom
Yet, a friend too

She’s a granny
Yet, a friend too

A beautiful one
Strong and awesome

Sunday, July 26, 2015

No problem? Nonsense

Picture taken from Google
For all of us, adult, we have problems of course with different type of them. None of us do not have it at all. For I have heard a saying that life itself is a problem so we must be clever enough to deal with it and try our best to solve it.

We will get stress if we really believe that we will not have any problem in this life.

Every day we must go out somewhere; to the office for workers; to the markets for mothers; to school and campuses for students, etc which means that there will be problem at least.

Perhaps traffic jams or facing people with different character which we do not get accustomed with. In this case we must manage ourselves not to get stress, we must have good ability to adapt ourselves in each situations we face.

Having that ability will make us survive.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Damn, I Miss Mahabharat Serial

Everyone knows that mahabharat serial on tv already ended last year, yet still many are missing it. Well, the mahabharat serial with handsome actors and beautiful actreess was so good, at least it was my opinion.

I think many will have the same opinion as I do. Yes, the mahabharat serial aired on antv was really good .  Indonesian people like it so much including me.

After the serial ended, some actors and actreess invited to come to Jakarta, Bali and Jogjakarta to meet their fans. Wow... it was so much fun not only for the fans but also for them.

They really were happy to got the invitation. Even, actors played the pandavas are still staying in Jakarta for another business agreement. As you know that Shaheer Sheikh (the one played Arjuna in the serial) had an important part in tv serial here in Indonesia (Cinta di Langit Taj Mahal) after having a contract to take part in a movie – Turis Romantis.

Rohit Bhardwaj an actor as Yudishtir, now is having part in new eat bulaga Indonesa – a television program on antv every morning. Vin Rana (played as Nakula) and Lavanya Bhardwaj (played as Sahadeva) also take part in that program.

Friday, July 24, 2015

A wise Man’s Word

Picture from Google
Things are going wrong
What’s wrong?

The question is
Who’s going wrong?

Don’t blame on things

I heard a wise man
Never blame on things
If things going wrong

I know that man
That wise man

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Taken from Google search
Where do i have to go?
To whom do i have to talk to?

This is so...
Where do i have to go?

Have nothing to say
But many in my mind

To whom?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Just a Simple Poem

Taken from Google
You are there
How are you then

I was mad to you
Yes, to you

Yet, you are smiling
Asking me to dance
Singing so profound

I felt sorry
For my anger to you
Since it was my mistake
You know that

Friday, April 10, 2015

Still There

Picture taken from Google
Anger is still there
Why is it there so long?

 It is still there
Isn’t that be ok if it is gone?

Yes, it must gone
Gone far away

Must try hard to get it away
Yes, must try hard 

Angry and then...

Picture from Google
Someone made me angry, upset.

She was talking a thing that seemed to offend me on purpose. Well, at that time i was not angry at all. Just tried to learn more about what she intended to deliver. I was looking at her, curiously.

Well, actually I do not have something to do with her. She is fine. I never even talk a lot to her since I do not think she likes me at all. I know that I am not at her level.

I know for sure.

But, then I thought she was being unkind to me by her saying at that time. I became angry. I do not like her. How dare she did it to me while I have not done anything bad to her. How come she did it to me?

Yeah, I hate her so much.

I do not like her. I know she is better than me. Yet, I do not like the way she offended me.
I pray to God that she will have that same thing she offends toward me. She will have it. I pray to God. Yes, so that she will understand about my feeling.

It’s not because I do not improve myself. I am still on going process to do that.