Monday, September 17, 2012

Conversation in me

Trying to find sort of wise words or enlightening words. Why is that?

I do not know. But this morning when I was taking a bath there was a thought crossed my mind. Suddenly I thought about death. While rubbing my body with soap, I thought about it.

I said to myself; “When the soul leave the body, so there wil only be the body without breath. That is what we call someone die”

When I die, will I realize it?

When I die, will my soul easy to leave the body I mean no attachment. No sadness or something unnecessary?

However, just what the wise men say that we must realize the time we die, that’s why we must live without attachment. Living without attachment will make us easy to face death. We will continuo our journey easily.
Life continuo, our soul will continuo the journey after our time is over here in earth. Perhaps the soul will come to this earth again but it will continuo the journey.

So, we must get used to separate between soul and body matters. When someone say something bad about us, it does not hurt our soul, it’s only hurt our feeling. We are not feeling. So, we should think twice before react to such useless thing. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Do it for several minutes.

We are also not merely the body, but we must take a good care of it. We must get accustomed about it. Love our body by having good and nutritious food and drinks. That sounds difficult but actually not. We just need to remind ourselves over and over again. Good and nutritious food and drinks are for our goodness. We must take a good care of ourselves or else we will suffer.

Meditating is also a great way to make us aware about death. Death is a certain thing we will face. Through meditation we will become relax and realize about our emotions, feelings and so forth. Meditation in Arabic language named tafakur or contemplate. That’s what we need.

If we do not like using the word meditation, so we can use the word contemplate or tafakur. They are all the same.

Talking about meditation, I myself really thankful to Bapak Anand Krishna through his Anand Ashram Foundation (affiliated with UN) since from him I learn about it. This writer of 150s books written in Indonesian language and English is a great person with great dreams which he is now working on to realize.

His vision is One Earth One Sky One Humankind as we can see when we enter his retreat centre at Bukit Pelangi, Ciawi,Bogor, West Java

Since 2010 this loving person was slandered doing a harassment by a girl who admitted as his former student. The case was made to silence him from doing his noble actions toward humanity.

To find more about the case, please visit

We pray that God will always be with him

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Image: Google search

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