Saturday, April 29, 2017

Thank You Madam...

Image from Google
“What makes you look in a good mood? Are you in love with someone or.....” My  mind suddenly asked, made me surprised.

“Well, you know what? I’ve got the answer from her. Thing that I have waited for more than 3 days finnaly this early morning came to me,” I explained eagerly.

“She was very late in answering my question because she’s been very busy these days. That’s she said to me also this morning in her message. Knowing that reason, made me a little sad for I’ve bothered her.” I still made my mind listening to me.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Waiting for Answer

Image from Google
“Have you got the answer from her?” a voice which come from my mind started to ask.

“huh, huh,” as I shook my head. 

It’s a conversation between me and my mind. 

I just daydreaming

“Are you upset, disappointed?” the voice keep on asking

“A bit,” I said to myself

“I know why you are upset and disappointed about it. And i completely sure you know the reason,” the voice insisted

“Of course I know. It’s because I really expect she will answer my question which she already promised 4 days ago,”

“And I know expectation leads to disappointment if that expectation is not met.” I said to myself again.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

To you, sir

Image form google
It was yesterday sir
Do not worry
You’ll be here easily
In my mind

It was yesterday sir
We count on many
Out there
To make you the one

It was yesterday sir
Still you’re in me
Do not know for how long it seems
But sure you’re

It was yesterday sir
And  i do not understand why
Perhaps it’s your destiny
But it was

It was yesterday sir
And i am still thinking ‘bout it
I wish it was just a dream
Ya, it was just a dream
Yet, all of us were sleeping