Thursday, December 22, 2011

To my mom (Emak)...

I call you Emak
That’s the best word
For me

Which I call Emak
Thank you for all
Things about me
And all about our family

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Look within...

what are there in your mind
just let go

express yourself
do not keep it up your own
just let go
do not burden your soul

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Word in My Head

There is a word that I need to find out about its meaning. I have been knowing the word but without knowing its meaning. I have never thought about it before. However, lately the word keeps on my mind and seems asking me to try knowing further more.

I usually say this word whenever I call a customer care of banks where I have an account.  since they will always ask question about your mother’s name before she is married. Yes, the word is my mother’s name.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank You Lord....

Thank You Lord
It was such a wonderful moment

All together we cried
but really happy as well

You were there
As we believe in

Thursday, August 25, 2011

After Ramadhan...

Ramadhan is almost over
We'll go back to our daily routines
It's getting near

Amd Syawal is coming
Replacing the Ramadhan....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Reflection in Ramadhan: "Hard Work is the real meaning behind the book titled " The Science of Getting Rich"

From an article written by Su Rahman
Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. QS 13:11
When I was reading the book titled The Science of Getting Rich written by Wallace D. there is a certain part in a book that caught my attention, Wallace says that nothing can replace what's called hard work, although we imagine the gold coin as high as mountains, the gold coin will not necessarily come down and rolling of top of the mountain and down the streets to get into our pockets.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Surprise

O great Thursday
It is…
Could not say anything
But thank You
For this and more…

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Albertina Ho Assessing that Witness Testimony Could be unUsed

Source : Suara Merdeka 

Jakarta, CyberNews. Witness testimony that often change only in a few minutes made the presiding judges of Anand Krishna's trial, Albertina Ho became furious. sHe then consider not to take that testimony from the only witness present, Farahdiba Agustin, at the South Jakarta District Court on Wednesday (13 / 7).

"The Witness was very wordy and inconsistent in giving her testimony so that Judge Albertino Ho said that her statement could be unused as a testimony," thus revealed Dwi Ria Latifa SH, Anand Krishna's attorney before the South Jakarta District Court.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gratitude IS RICH ... ...

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Many people only good at talking about gratitude after receiving something. Obtain what we want .. Then we want another. Never satisfied with all our desires. we are still poor. We are beggars, though we do  worship God. We begg for blessings. We are beggars for getting paradise .... We are beggars minded. Indeed we do not understand the meaning of gratitude yet... ... Because those who understand the meaning of gratitude will never complain.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The One...

It’s Him
The one I need to find
Could not believe what I’ve seen

Beautiful ….

Monday, June 13, 2011

Circle of Laughter, Accessing our Childhood Joy

Translated from an article written by Su Rahman
Too many benefits we can get from laughing ranging from relieving pain, bring happiness, overcoming fears, increasing self-confidence up to increasing our body immunity system. Laugh can reduce stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline, dopamine), it can also improve the hormon for health such as endorphins, and neurotransmitters. It increases the number of cells that produce antibodies and increasing the effectiveness of T cells thus the immune system will be better.

A Great Retreat at One Earth Retreat Center

Translated from an article written by Su Rahman
One Earth One Sky One Humankind Hermitage which is under Anand Ashram Foundation (affiliated with the United Nations) held a retreat with a great theme "Bring our Heart and Vision Together" from June 2nd -5th, 2011. Participants came from various city in Indonesia such as; Bandung, Bali, Lampung, Jakarta, Jogjakarta, Solo, Semarang and Kalimantan. This Retreat provides self-empowerment program that is packaged in a variety of meditation;

Be Poor and Rich in The Eyes Of God...

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Be poor in the eyes of God, then you will have His wealth. This sentence is easily spoken, but how many
of us who are only speak it without any understanding?  No Action Talk Only. Poor in wealth? Who is able to? Look at the majority of us being slaves of wealth? Only few of us who reliaze the purpose of  our life. They think that spiritual journey is able to be separated from daily life such as business, funny, isn't it? How can one do that?

Friday, June 10, 2011

The beauty outside occurres because of the beauty from within ... Beautify your heart, so everything will be beautiful ........

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

Mulla Nasrudin lately often seen his wife grumble and cursing their neighbors which she said do not wash the white clothes very clean. Mulla Nasrudin keeps quiet, observes and listens carefully. The next morning when she woke up, she smiled and praised her neighbors that the laundry is clean. Maybe because they use whitening. She said to her husband, that the neighbors might hear her grumble, so they washed the clothes clean and bright. With a smile Mulla Nasrudin said, "Yesterday I cleaned the mirror. There is no connection between your grumble and their clean washing". Actually the mirror is dirty so you think that their laundry is dirty.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

From Theis Toward Atheis ( The Journey of human being )

Translated from an article written by Marhento Wintolo

That's the real journey of human beings. Man is born into this world, we do not know God when we are infants up to 4 or 5 years of age. We are very cheerful and can play freely without any thought of affiliation. We do not think about theis or atheis. After having understand about life and the dogmas of religion, we are started to get introduced about God. And some think that God is ours and we claim it.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Anand Krishna Case Enters a New Phase

Translated from an article written by Su Rahman 
Since the beginning a case of Anand Krishna is supposed to be full of manipulation to silent that spiritual leader who is active in sounding about nationalism enter a new phase in which all of a sudden Hari Sasangka who chaired the case was suddenly replaced. God knows what the motive behind that replacement, but a day before, Hari Sasangka was exposed to have an affair with the victim witness Shinta Kencana Kheng. Anand Krishna's attorney have reported violations of the code of ethics that was conducted by the Judge to the Judicial Commission (KY). The Report is completed with photos about their meetings and also 5 (five) witnesses who saw them.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hari Sasangka Was Reported to Have an Affair with Sinta Kencana

From an article written by Su Rahman 

From the beginning, this case is full of awkwardness and increasingly obvious there is certain manipulation behind the case of Anand Krishna. Today chairman of the South Jakarta District Court judges in the case Anand Krishna, Hari Sasangka, was reported to the Judicial Commission for allegedly violating the code of ethics. The report was conducted by Anand Krishna's attorney, Humphrey R Djemat, Monday (6 / 6).

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


is a Gaudiya Vaishnava Hindu prayer of eight verses composed in the Sanskrit language. They are believed to be the only verses left personally written by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, with the majority of his philosophy being codyfied by his primary disciples, known as the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. The Siksastaka is quoted within the Chaitanya Charitamrita, Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami's biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, written in Bengali script. The name of the prayer comes from the Sanskrit roots Śikṣa meaning 'instruction', and aṣṭaka meaning 'eight'. The teachings contained within the eight verses are believed to contain the essence of all teachings on Bhakti yoga within the Gaudiya tradition.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Wisdom from Shatya Sai Baba

Sai Baba has passed away but his love and his wisdoms will always remain with us wherever we are and whenever it wil be. Reading wisdoms help us to remember about him more. That's why I try to re-write some wise words of him and put it here for all of us. May Peace be Upon him....
Thank you Baba for all your blessing and love.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Divine Joke

Seems the hard time is over
You keep on struggling however
On and on
It’s your destiny
To share love and joy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Martha Graham as gorgeous Google Theme

Wonderful dancing images appeared as I sat in front of my computer today. It’s  martha graham’s 117th birthday as Google theme on Wednesday May 11, 2011 and animated by Ryan Woodward. So many thanks for both of you. Gorgeous theme, I’ll give two thumbs up for you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Google on May 9th, 2011

Today is really different when I started to do browsing using Google. I am happy since the themes are funny and I like it. It changes several times with different funny images. What a day!! Thank you Mr. Google.

Today is the birthday for Roger Hargreaves, 
(9 May 1935 – 11 September 1988) was a British author and illustrator of children's books, notably the Mr. Men and Little Miss series, intended for very young readers. The books' simple and silly stories, with bright-coloured, boldly drawn illustrations, have been part of popular culture for over 25 years, with sales over 85 million worldwide in 20 languages.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We Will be in Trouble if They Rule This Country

As a Muslim I was hurt to read the news on Rakyat Merdeka Online, Friday, April 29, 2011, 12:27:00 AM reported that violence happened in the name of religion that is a prosecution the closure of a church. "The first disturbance took place last February 16th in which I was forced to sign the closing of the church," said church leader, Reverend Nico Lomboan

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden is dead

All over the world are happy because of his death. What a pity? But that's the truth. Hundreds of people gathered in front of the White House to celebrate demise of Osama bin Laden. So many people do not like him for he had done terribly bad action due to other human being. He was the one who was behind 9/11 tragedy.

Many people died in that incidents and people around the world condemned his unciviled act. Well, it is not about the religion or the country where he came from but it is about his bad deed.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anand Krishna's hunger Strike protest has Ended, But Not His struggle in Seeking Justice

Anand Krishna, Indonesia's interfaith spiritual figure which had conducted a hunger strike since March
9, 2011 to seek justice, finally on Tuesday April 26th, 2011 stopped the strike because of the letter  to suspend his detention from the prosecutor.

"Yesterday a letter about the cancellation (decision) of court (South Jakarta) came. The letter was a
response to the petition filed by the prosecution consideration. This morning a letter from the prosecutor's reply arrived. Therefore, Mr. Anand was allowed to go home, "said Sr. Comr Mas Ibnu Hajar 

Finally Anand Stopped His Hunger Strike

Anand Krishna keeps his promise to conduct a hunger strike until justice for himself realized. Currently, he has begun to taste meals for the first time, after a hunger strike for 45 days.
"Praise be to Allah, since last night (Tuesday, 26/04/2011) he was willing to eat," said Senior Commissioner Mas Ibnu Hajar, Head of Medical Services of Police Hospital Raden Said Sukanto (Police of Indonesian Republic), Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, when we met him in his office on Wednesday (04/27/2011).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

There is a conspiracy behind Anand Krishna's detention

 This is a translation of an article in Media indonesia

The detention of Anand Krishna, a spiritual leader accused of sexual harassment was unfair. The reasons are, Anand has not been found guilty, cooperative, and there is a guarantee that he will not run away.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Reflection to Appreciate day 37th of Anand Krishna's hunger strike

 "I do not know how many hours can last or how many more days. This body may fall, but I'm sure someday there will be sons of the nation who continue this struggle against injustice and barbarity. Greeting love, greetings Indonesia!"That is Anand Krishna, in a critical condition still keeps a spirit of nationality. Entering the 37th day of hunger strike demanding a trial process in a fair and an objective way, Anand Krishna's condition has declined. It is hard for him to open his two eyes and move his body, but Anand Krishna continue his hunger strike for the sake of a justice to be upheld.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Letter to God

Dear God,

How are You today?

Really hope that You are fine and in Your best condition ever. You definitely know what I am going to tell. You do not need time to find what is in my mind. You know it very well.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Spirit of Life

Anand Krishna, an Indonesian spiritual guru known as a productive writer is an amazing person. He makes Su Rahman - a founder of Cipta Karya Mandiri Web Service Solution – loves his country a lot. Su rahman said that before meeting and knowing Anand Krishna, he is such a person that does not care about his country. He was pessimist about Indonesia because of certain reasons.

Day 22 Anand Krishna’s on hunger strike

Anand Krishna known as a spiritual guru of Indonesia is now facing a sexual harassment allegation. The case was reported by someone claimed as his former student last year. From the first till now Anand Krishna has told to the public that it was only a slander toward him.He has never done such thing as told. However, the authority decided that the allegation was able to take to the court and being processed there. Their decision was based on the evidence given.

Update News about Anand Krishna

13002767471328036759Today,wednesday March 16, 2011 Anand Krishna an Indonesian spiritualist and humanist has been fasting for 8 day as a protest to get justice. Even many people do not agree with his action but he kept on it. He is willing to struggle for what he believes at. He is not guilty toward the case charged on him.

A visit of Humanitarian and Interfaith activists for Anand Krishna

Saturday, March 12, 2011 after 4 days undertaking a hunger strike as his protest against the decision of thejudges, Anand Krishna - Indonesian spiritual leader acknowledged that his physical condition began to decline, his body began to feel weak and began to feel dizzy. But he will continue his hunger strike until the judges suspend his detention.

Non Violence Action Taken by Anand Krishna In Searching for Justice

It has been 4 days since the status determination for Mr. Anand Krishna as a detainee which was very  controversial. A Father of 2 children that is actively express the unity of Indonesia is undertaking his protest over the decision of the judges of South Jakarta District Court by a hunger strike, Anand Krishna said so far he has been cooperative following the trial process, and also has been transparent in providing descriptions in the trial.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Google's Today & Robert Bunsen

March 31.2011 is Robert Bunsen 200th birthday n google use it as today's theme. Nice and fun.

Who is Robert Bunsen, and why is he so special

Check his biography below...

Robert Bunsen is best known for his invention of the improved gas flame device which bears his name: the Bunsen burner. However, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen's contributions to science extend far beyond this one invention; he developed a number of other common laboratory instruments, as well as a new device and process for analyzing the elemental constituents of chemicals called spectroscopy. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why ( :-( )

So sad....
Seeing You there
Couldn't believe that they dare
And they forget how You care

Your love is so true
Even for those who dislike You
Over n over they've done cruel deed
Yet, You are so kind indeed...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The sound so clear
That I can hear
o…. Dear
Thank you for being here

Nice being with you
Even in a far way though
It’s a blessing so
That I need to be grateful for

Thursday, March 3, 2011


once or twice
i've appologized
for i've done wrong
to my father that has gone

and i won't forget
now is late

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mouse in the house

Cit cit cit….
Please help me
Go out from my house

You make my house in a mess
Please, I beg you mouse
Would you just be a good one
If you want to stay

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mantra, mantra and …. Mantra ( try this at home )

Well, I always remember one of my best friends words about blog, specialy about blogging activity. Of course he is one of Indonesian bloggers. Although he is a new comer yet he made big improvement in his blog.I bet it because of his love on blogging. You can check out his blog here. What do you think? Isn’t cool?

In some of his postings he urges other blogger to keep on blogging. Never get bored or tired of maintaining our blog. Since in his mind blogging is merely a nice activity to do.

In other word, he support other blogger to stay on blogging thing. One of his mantra on blogging is posting, posting and…… posting. Ha ha ha… I like that mantra so

I learn from him that posting is the key to get ranked by Mr. Google. Yes, Mr. Google the three biggest search engines in the world. Don’t you want to get ranked so your blog will get many visitor? Wow…many visitor means an opportunity to make money from it.

He said we must try our best to post articles or at least an article each day so Mr. Google will detect our blog. Just take it easy, write about our own experiences. For instance on the way home from school or work you met some one and then you made friendship with him/her. You can write about that with your creativity.

So, whenever boredom hit you just remember his mantra which is posting, postind and…..posting. Have a great blogging activity then

Lebak bulus – Jakarta Selatan ( 6 Januari 2011 )

Monday, January 3, 2011

Beautiful song

This song was in Joey McIntyre's first solo debut album, released on March 16, 1999.

Joseph Mulrey "Joey" McIntyre (born December 31, 1972) is an American singer-songwriter and actor. He is best known as the youngest member of the group, New Kids on the Block.

New Kids on the Block is an American boy band that enjoyed success in the late 1980s and early 1990s and went on to sell 80 million records worldwide. Assembled in Boston in 1984 by producer Maurice Starr, the members consist of brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, and Danny Wood

Enjoy this song, please....

"Stay The Same"

Don't you ever wish you were someone else,
You were meant to be the way you are exactly.
Don't you ever say you don't like the way you are.
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far.
And I hope you always stay the same,
cuz there's nothin' 'bout you I would change.

I think that you could be whatever you wanted to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside.
Don't be afraid if you've got something to say,
Just open up your heart and let it show you the way.

Believe in yourself.
Reach down inside.
The love you find will set you free.
Believe in yourself, you will come alive.
Have faith in what you do.
You'll make it through.

Watch the video here